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Set Up a Financial Deal Record

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a Financial Deal record.
  • Add participants to Financial Deal records.
  • Explain how CDS resolves conflict of interest issues.
  • View sharing access details.
  • Explain how CDS is different from other sharing features.

Create Financial Deal Record

Now that all the CDS setup is out of our way, let’s see CDS in action. As Rob’s using CDS for the first time, Matt guides him through it. Let’s follow along as Matt helps Rob to set up a financial deal record for the acquisition and manage access to it.

Here’s what Matt does to create a financial deal record.



In a real-world scenario, it’s users like Rob who create deal records, not the admin.

  1. On the navigation bar, select the Financial Deals tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Provide the following details to create a Financial Deal record.
    1. Name: NTO-Dorjeling Kitchen Acquisition
    2. In the Account field, select + New Account and enter Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO).
    3. In the Financial Deal Type picklist, select Mergers and Acquisitions.
    4. Fill in other fields if necessary.
  4. Click Save.

Add Participants to Financial Deal Records

Matt proceeds to add participants to the deal record. As Deandra wants to manage access to the deal record, he adds her first. 

Remember that for a particular record, you can have a maximum of 20 participants. 

  1. Click the Financial Deals tab, and then select the NTO-Dorjeling Kitchen Acquisition record.
  2. In the Related tab, on the Financial Deal Participants component, click New.
    The Financial Deal Participants component on a deal record.
  3. In the New Financial Deal Participant window, provide the following details:
    1. In the Participant field, search for and select Deandra Olson.
    2. In the Participant Role field, search for and select CDS Manager.
    3. Select Active.
    4. (Optional) Add comments.
      The New Financial Deal Participant window.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Add a participant group next. Click New again, and provide the following details.
    1. In the Participant field, select Group, then search for and select Retail Coverage Team. ClickViewto view the members of the team.
    2. In the Participant Role field, search for and select Retail Coverage.
    3. Select Active.
    4. (Optional) Add comments.The New Financial Deal Participant window showing the list of members in the Retail Coverage Team.
  6. Click Save.

Matt follows the same steps to add Rob and the Compliance team to the deal record.

The Financial Deal Participants component showing the list of participants for the NTO - Dorjeling Kitchen Acquisition record.



Participant roles aren’t shared between objects. For example, the roles you create for the Financial Deal object don’t show up for the Account object.

Conflict of Interest Resolution with CDS

Rob wants to grant Charlie access to the deal by adding him as a participant. Charlie recently moved from a different team so Deandra wants to review his profile for any conflict of interest before approving his access. Setting this up is easy on CDS. Matt adds Charlie as a Financial Deal Participant just like Rob, but he doesn’t activate his access.

  1. In the New Financial Deal Participant window, provide the following information.
    1. In the Participant field, search for and select Charlie Melly.
    2. In the Participant Role field, search for and select Analyst.
    3. Leave Active deselected.
    4. (Optional) Add a comment: Needs approval from the compliance manager.
  2. Click Save.

After Deandra clears Charlie, she edits his participant record and activates his access by selecting Active. Charlie can now view the deal details.



While Deandra activated Charlie’s access manually, you can set up an automated approval mechanism using Approvals, Flow Builder, and Triggers. Check the Resources section for more information.

View Sharing Access Details

Matt has added quite a few participants to the acquisition deal, and Rob is planning to add more as the deal progresses. It’s important to keep a track of participants who have access to it. The Sharing Detail page lists all the participants who have access to a deal record, their type of access (read-only, read-write, full access), and the reason for access. 



Only the system admin and the record owner can see the Sharing Detail page and the share table entries. If you want Deandra to have access to the page, make her the owner of the deal record.

Here’s how Matt accesses the Sharing Detail page.

  1. Click profile, and select Switch to Salesforce Classic.
  2. Open the NTO-Dorjeling Kitchen Acquisition record.
  3. Click Sharing.

Matt sees all the participants, individuals as well as groups, who have access to the acquisition deal record. Notice how the access level for Rob and Charlie is set according to the default access level Matt defined for their assigned participant role.

The Sharing Detail page showing the access details of participants for the NTO - Dorjeling Kitchen Acquisition record.



  • You see non-owner participants on the Sharing Detail page only when their assigned level of access exceeds that granted by organization-wide defaults.
  • If you change the organization-wide sharing defaults or the default access level for a participant role, the Sharing Detail page updates to reflect the change.

CDS and Other Sharing Features

Salesforce offers various other sharing features like Account Teams, Opportunity Teams, Case Teams, and master-detail relationships. If your business uses any of them, it's important to understand CDS’s compatibility with them.

CDS fits with other sharing features like a glove and provides an extra layer of security over them. If a participant gets access to a record through multiple sharing features, the most permissive access is given to the participant. On the Sharing Detail page, you can see all the features that grant a participant access to the record, and the access level each feature provides for that record.

Using Account Teams and Opportunity Teams is like sharing data manually. You determine the access level that a team member has, and it is independent of the role the member plays in the context of that Account. But CDS is different. In CDS, you assign a contextual role to the Account participant, and the data access is granted automatically based on the default access level configured for that role. It’s consistent across the org and similar to how Case Team sharing works. Can you use Account Team and Account participants in the same org? You can, but there would be separate share table entries on the Sharing Detail page, which can confuse your users.

If you use master-detail relationships, the master object determines access to the detail object, like who can view the detail's data. You can use CDS with master-detail relationships, but only with the Master entity and not with the Detail one, as sharing in CDS is determined by the parent object.

In Closing

Deandra thanks Matt for getting CDS up and running. Rob, Charlie, and their teammates can now share confidential client data about the acquisition without compromising security or compliance. Deandra loves how CDS intuitively handles all aspects of compliance with minimal customization. She’s always in control of who has access to client data and to what level. With CDS set up, Cumulus Capital can focus better on handling mergers and acquisitions for its clients.

Complex business use-cases like the one we tackled in this module would have normally required custom code and extended development time. But with CDS, it’s point-and-click! Salesforce offers CDS as an out-of-the-box solution for its FSC customers. Cumulus Capital is glad that Salesforce is its trusted CRM solution, and that Matt is the super admin. 


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