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3월 5~6일에 샌프란시스코의 TDX 또는 Salesforce+에서 열리는 AI 에이전트 시대를 위한 개발자 컨퍼런스에 참여하세요. 지금 등록하기.

Check and Adjust Forecasts

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Filter forecast data.
  • Adjust forecast results.

Gain Insights Into Emissions Forecasts

It’s time for Sam to review and analyze the forecasting results. From the Lightning Console dropdown list on the Net Zero Cloud app, he opens Advanced Account Forecast Set Partners. He then clicks the latest forecast record to open the Advanced Forecast page. The forecasting grid displays the forecasts.

Forecasting results on the Advanced Forecast page.

Sam can choose to view measures for a certain measure group. And can filter the forecast data based on two criteria: emissions activity and period. Sam tries it out.

  1. Click Filter .
  2. In Emissions Activity, search for and select Scope 3 Business Travel.
  3. In Time Period, select Current Period.
  4. Click Apply.Scope 3 Business Travel and current period selected as filters.

The forecasting grid refreshes to display measures for only Scope 3 Business Travel emissions activity. Looks good! 

Scope 3 Business Travel emissions activity data on the Advanced Forecast page.

Sam proceeds to check out the Climate Action Dashboard that Safiya set up in the Net Zero Cloud Analytics Setup module.

From the Net Zero Cloud Home page, Sam opens the Climate Action Dashboard and navigates to the Carbon Emission Forecast tab to find the forecast and target graphs. 

The Carbon Emission Forecast tab on the Climate Action Dashboard showing overall emissions.

NTO has planned some operational improvements to reduce future emissions related to scope 3 business travel. For the forecasting results to accommodate these improvements, Sam goes back to the forecasting grid that shows measures for only Scope 3 Business Travel emissions activity and updates the relevant values.

Edited values for Planned Operational Emissions Reduction measure on the Advanced Forecasts page.

When you change the actual emissions data or any of the editable measures, you must recalculate the emissions based on the changed values by running the Calculate Emissions Forecasts job. 

This adjustment is common because forecasts may need to be recalculated fairly frequently, such as quarterly. 

Here’s a list of editable measures.

Measure Measure Type


Business Metric


Total Floor Area (sqft)

Procurement Spend

Forecasted Renewable Energy Consumption Percentage


Forecasted Emissions Intensity Reduction Percentage

Forecasted Emissions Override (tCO2e)

Planned Operational Emissions Reduction (tCO2e)

Planned Supplier Emissions Reduction (tCO2e)

Planned Carbon Credits (tCO2e)

Carbon Credit Related

Carbon Credits Cost (USD per tCO2e)

For a complete list of measures, see Measure Types.


If you change the period group definition, you must reinitialize the forecasting grid by running the Reinitialize Emissions Forecasts job first, and then the Calculate Emissions Forecasts job.

So Safiya runs the Calculate Emissions Forecast job and it’s done! Sam checks the updated results and thanks Safiya for the help. 

In the next unit, Safiya explores how Net Zero Cloud calculates the forecasts. 

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