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CRM Analytics for Sales アプリケーション
CRM Analytics Sales アプリケーションの強力なダッシュボードによって Sales Cloud データを活用します。
Extending the Analytics Metadata
Learn how to prepare your data and metadata files to upload into an Analytics dataset.
Bindings in Analytics Dashboards
Learn how bindings enable interactions among different components in a dashboard and how to control these interactions.
Analytics Dashboard JSON Overview
Discover how editing JSON enables you to customize dashboard components and their interactions.
Extended Metadata (XMD) Overview
Discover how XMD enables you to customize the formatting of dataset fields and their values in Analytics dashboards and lenses.
Beyond Clicks Not Code
Use SAQL (Salesforce Analytics Query Language) to access data in Analytics datasets.
Analytics REST API Overview
Learn how to access Einstein Analytics features such as datasets, dashboards and lenses programmatically using the Analytics REST API.
Introducing Analytics Templates
Get introduced to Analytics Templates and how others can use them to create apps.