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#HTTP Callouts2 人がディスカッション中

Hey everyone. I have a case, when I run 2 requests that are subsequent with each other. 

But the subrequest is run in a loop, and the only way to avoid it, is to chain requests using composite. 

I have no idea how to implement this feature in the apex itself, so maybe someone has an example, or had a similar case to deal with. 


Perhaps you can help me 


#Apex  #HTTP Callouts  #API  #Salesforce Developer

1 件の回答
  1. 3月7日 8:35

    Hello @Maksym Kasyanchuk

    You can use the output of one request as the input to a subsequent request. The response bodies and HTTP statuses of the requests are returned in a single response body. The entire series of requests counts as a single call toward your API limits. 


    For example, the following composite request body includes two subrequests. The first creates an account and designates the output as refAccount. The second creates a contact parented under the new account by referencing refAccount in the subrequest body.


    "compositeRequest" : [{

    "method" : "POST",

    "url" : "/services/data/v63.0/sobjects/Account",

    "referenceId" : "refAccount",

    "body" : { "Name" : "Sample Account" }


    "method" : "POST",

    "url" : "/services/data/v63.0/sobjects/Contact",

    "referenceId" : "refContact",

    "body" : {

    "LastName" : "Sample Contact",

    "AccountId" : "@{}"




    Refer to this: Send Multiple Requests Using Composite


I'm stuck on Integration Procedure Designer - Sample Get Current and Forecast Weather Data


Any recent Salesforce release 23 updates?

Please suggest if any new configuration or setting is required to update.


Getting below Error :I'm stuck on Integration Procedure Designer - Sample Get Current and Forecast Weather Data Any recent Salesforce release 23 updates?Configuration of HTTP Action :IP-Error.png


  #HTTP Callouts #Omnistudio #Integration Platform #Integration #Integration Procedure


I am experiencing a validation error with my http callout.  I'm trying to access this api:


The url for the JSON Response is here:*&outSR=4326&f=json


I added the JSON Response URL to my external credential


Validation Error for HTTP Callout

When I create an HTTP callout in the flow, I don't add anything to the header or any query parameters


Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.44.46 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.45.19 AM.png

I can successfully connect to the schema:


Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.47.24 AM.png


However, I immediately get a validation error when I test the flow:


Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.49.25 AM.png

Any advice would be appreciated


#Flows #HTTP Callouts

6 件の回答
  1. 2024年6月6日 11:24
    In screenshot from OP looks like url base path contains query params. I recommend stripping these out and building up the query just before callout. What type of authentication is in play? None, OAuth2, user/pword? Check to make sure permissions are configured correctly for user. I also recommend troubleshooting side by side with Postman.

📣📡 How To Verify API Connection & Perform HTTP Callout in Salesforce Flow

Traditionally, integrating external systems or fetching real-time data from web services within Salesforce Flows has been a multi-step process involving Apex code or external tools. However, the Spring ’24 Release marks a paradigm shift by introducing a built-in capability to validate API connections and execute HTTP callouts seamlessly, all within the intuitive and user-friendly environment of Salesforce Flow.

@The Blog Group


#Sales Cloud #Flow #New Releases #Release Readiness #HTTP Callouts #API #Spring24 @* Release Readiness Trailblazers *

1 件のコメント
  1. 2024年3月1日 14:40

    Hii team,

    I am going to write platform app builder certification exam. I need some $236 vouchers. Please do help me.

    Thanks & Regards.


[▶️]🔴🔥🎬  How To Verify And Make HTTP Callout In Salesforce Flow | Spring24 New Flow Feature

Welcome to the Spring ’24 Release! Salesforce Release is the process by which Salesforce updates its software platform to add new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Salesforce releases typically occur three times a year, in spring, summer, and winter, and are named after the season in which they are released.

In this video, I am going to share how you can verify API Connection and do a basic HTTP GET from Salesforce Flow. More easily integrate external data with the new PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods. Give more context about HTTP callout parameters, validate JSON samples faster, and get more information about the external service registration with more organized sections of parameters.


[▶️]🔴🔥🎬 How To Verify And Make HTTP Callout In Salesforce Flow | Spring24 New Flow FeatureWelcome to the Spring ’24 Release! Salesforce Release is the process by which Salesforce updates its softwa


@The Blog Group


#Flow #Spring24 #HTTP Callouts #API #New Releases #Release Updates Announcements #Release Readiness @* Release Readiness Trailblazers *


Sábado chegou, mas só penso na quarta feira, quandk nosso Breakfast And Learn Flow se iniciará as 09h e faremos uma integração ao vivo para extrair informações de CNPJ diretamente para o Salesforce, um clássico data mining em ação se código, utilizando apenas FLOW.ábado chegou, mas só penso na quarta feira, quandk nosso Breakfast And Learn Flow se iniciará as 09h e faremos uma integração ao vivo para extrair informações de CNPJ diretamente para o Salesforce, u#Sales Cloud #Integration #Flow #Salesforce Developer #Automation #Analytics #HTTP Callouts #HTTP POST Method #HTTP Header

I'm getting this error message when trying to complete this Trailhead Module:Why isn't Trailhead finding the External Service in my flow action?But I don't know what I'm doing wrong:error2.png

What am I doing wrong, here?


#Trailhead Challenges  #HTTP Callouts  #Integration

4 件の回答
  1. 2024年2月16日 15:02

    Hi @Evan Shearin, MBA,

    I'm Ravindra from Trailblazer Help team.


    Please feel free to mark the correct answer as best answer if any of the above responses helped you to fix the issue. Thank you!


    Best Regards,


    Trailblazer Help


Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone had built up any examples of an HTTP Callout that searches for a Postal Code.

I think HTTP Callouts might potentially fill a gap for one of our clients who are looking for a Postal Code lookup solution and I’ve not really done too much with HTTP Callouts yet.



#HTTP Callouts #Flow #Salesforce Flow #FlowBuilder #Flows
3 件の回答

I recent came across this "401 Unauthorized" error when pulling CRM Analytics data through the scheduled job from the Dataset Writeback and Recipe Output Apps. The way to fix this issue is to set the "Session Security Level Required at Login" to "--None--" in the Profile of the "Submitted By" in the Scheduled Job.For more information, please read this BoonPlus knowledge article. #HTTP Callouts  #Tableau CRM  #Http


Hello @* Salesforce Developers *,

Can someone help me?

I need to embark a page (IFrame) that has a basic authentication to load. How do I call a GET with basic authentication in an IFrame?


Thank You!
