Skip to main content 3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら

#Debug Mode2 人がディスカッション中

Hi Everyone, 


Would love to know if you can understand what happened, I haven't logged in for sometime to the playground, and I'm now trying to refresh on my flows but it seems that when I press the debug button I'm being sent to a white screen instead of the usual prompt appearing. 


I tried switching browsers but nothing works. 





#Flow  #Flows  #Debug Mode

7 件の回答
  1. 1月11日 8:13

    Hey, just replying to explain the end result as I see people are interested. In the end I decided to open a different Playground and the problem did not repeat itself. Not the best solution, but one that worked for me.


📣📡 How To Debug Salesforce Flow As Different User

In the realm of Salesforce, flows are powerful tools that automate complex business processes with clicks, not code. Whether it’s handling record updates, creating tasks, or sending notifications, flows streamline operations and enhance productivity. However, even the most meticulously designed flows can encounter issues, making debugging an essential skill for any Salesforce administrator or developer.

One of the critical aspects of debugging in Salesforce is testing flows as different users. This practice ensures that the flow behaves as expected for all user profiles and permissions. Debugging as different users can uncover issues related to field accessibility, record visibility, and permission discrepancies that might otherwise go unnoticed.

In this blog post, I will delve into the step-by-step process of debugging a Salesforce flow as different users. By mastering these debugging strategy, you can ensure that your Salesforce flows are robust, user-friendly, and tailored to the diverse needs of your organization.


@The Blog Group


📣📡 How To Debug Salesforce Flow As Different UserIn the realm of Salesforce, flows are powerful tools that automate complex business processes with clicks, not code.


#Flow #Debug Mode


Hi all,


I have created a record-triggered flow that is supposed to find a Task Record connected to a Lead and set the Task's Status to 'Complete' when the Lead is converted.

The Flow has a GetRecord Element that looks for Task records where WhoID = {!$Record.Id}


During Debug, a matching Task Record can be found.

Activated in Production, the Flow throws the following Error and is not able to find the Record.


GET RECORDS: get task

 Find all Task records where:

 WhoId Equals {!$Record.Id} (00QJz00000AsJ6LMAV)

 Store the values of these fields in get_task: Status, Id


Failed to find records.


Manually inspecting the Task Record in Production shows that the Record exists with a value in field WhoID that matches the search string, but somehow the Flow can't find it.

The Sharing Settings for Activity (= Task?) are 'Controlled by Parent', the Parent Object Lead can be accessed by users.


Anyone got an idea on why the Flow can't find the Records in Prod? It might be super obvious, but I just don't see it.


#Record-Triggered #Edit Task #Debug Mode

2 件の回答
  1. Mikey Brown (SETGO Partners) Forum Ambassador
    2023年11月14日 19:39

    Hmm, I wonder if it's a timing issue. When converted, any open tasks automatically get carried over to the converted Contact. I wonder if that's happening before this particular flow is firing. You could maybe try and find all tasks where the WhoId is equal to {!$Record.ConvertedContactId}
