Skip to main content 3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら

Salesforce Flow Automation

This group is for all customers who are interested in automating their work in Salesforce, and covers Flow, Process Builder, Workflow Rules and Approvals. It's a forum for customers to provide feedback, requirements and share ideas. Customers may also leverage this group to collaborate with each other on best practices. This group is maintained and moderated by a Salesforce employee. The content received in this group falls under the official Safe Harbor: Please also see our official Salesforce Customer Community Terms of Use.