Say, you want the class to run every 1 hour, or every 30 mins, then you cannot do it using declarative way. To do this, we can use system.schedule method and call the scheduler class. System.schedule takes 3 parameters as below :
system.schedule('jobname',timeperiod,scheduler class name)
jobname: you can give any name to your job
timeperiod: specify the time frequency with which the job should runscheduler class name: scheduler class that calls your batch apex class. timeperiod should be specified in below format:Seconds Minutes Hours Day_of_month Month Day_of_week optional_yearFor example, to run every 5 mins the expression would be : 0 5 * * * ?here '*' means every time against the specified parameter, every hour, every day of month, every day of week and '?' means no specific value. Thus, this expression means every 5 minutes. So, the system.schedule('testname',0 35 * * * ?,schedulerclass()); would call the schedulerclass every 30 minutes when the statement executes.You can visit salesforce documentation to know more on system.schedule parameters.Lets write a simple batch apex class, its scheduler class and then, execute system.schedule method to run that batch apex every 5 minutes.Batch Apex Class:
global class BatchApexDemo implements database.batchable<sobject>{
Public string soqlquery;
Public void setQry(string soqlquery){
this.soqlquery = 'Select name,status from account limit 1';
global database.querylocator start(database.batchableContext bc){
return database.getquerylocator(soqlquery);
global void execute(database.batchablecontext bd, list<sobject> sc){
System.debug('**In Execute Method**');
Public void finish(database.batchableContext bc){
Scheduler class along with method that will Can scheduler class every 5 minutes:
global with sharing class ScheduleBatchApexDemo implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
ID BatchId = Database.executeBatch(new BatchApexDemo(), 200);
Public static void SchedulerMethod() {
string timeinterval = '0 5 * * * ?';
System.schedule('BatchApexDemo-Every15mins',timeinterval, new ScheduleBatchApexDemo());
Now, we have to just execute the "SchedulerMethod" once, this will keep on calling the batch apex every 5 minutes. We can use developer console to execute this method. Just execute below statement to call the method: ScheduleBatchApexDemo.SchedulerMethod(); You can monitor the batch apex being called every 5 minutes from:
set up--> monitoring jobsPlease mark this as the best answer if this helpsVasani's answers above could not be more wrong! '0 5 * * * ?' means the 5th minute of every hour, NOT every five minutes!
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