Skip to main content 3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら
5 件の回答
  1. 2024年12月15日 20:55

    Hi @Vibha Tripathi ,


    If you are not able to see the entitlement option even in classic version, try adding Entitlement Templates from related list section to the page layout of products. For this search for products from quick find and select page layout and then select edit next to product layout and add "Entitlement Templates". 



    I just found the strange part that the new entitltement template created directly under Entitlement tab does not really exist. I need to create the template from Setup/Entitlement template.

