Skip to main content 3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら

The Summer '23 Release Overview Deck is available now as Google Slides and as a PPT! If you haven't seen this asset before, it's a visual companion to the release notes and walks you through the major enhancements in Summer '23. You can slice and dice it as you wish to train yourself and your users. 


This deck covers:

If you'd prefer a higher level overview of the top three features across all clouds, check out the Release in a Box Summer '23 deck (available May 5th) at



9 件のコメント
  1. 2023年5月23日 6:12

    @Simon Kuntz I was looking for the feature "Imporved Sharing for Custom Reports" Slide number 5 in the deck but i could not find it in the release note or in the release matrix was this added accidently?
