Skip to main content 3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら

I am so close yes still a little far - I am working on the challenge for this Section Deploying Lighting Web Component Files - I created the files in the exercises - that were required in the challenge

  • bikeCard.html
  • bikeCard.js
  • bikeCard.js-meta.xml

I did all the other requirements listed below

  • Deploy the bikeCard component files to your org
  • Create a Lightning app page:
    • Label: Bike Card
    • Developer Name: Bike_Card
    • Add your bikeCard component to the page
    • Activate the page for all users

I get error message

Challenge not yet complete in Deploy LWC Playground

We can't find a Lightning Web Component named 'bikeCard


I attached screen shot - Please help I am so close to completing this section. I can feel it. Another quiz. Another challenge. Then another Pre Exam Module - then I can enter the relm of taking the exam to become a Salesforce Developer I Oh My!  I can do this! Thank you for any and all help!


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead

9 件の回答
  1. 2024年3月21日 8:18

    Hi. make sure to "save" your VSCode files. I encounter the same error without realizing it wasn't saved.
