Skip to main content 3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら
I checked several times what all i have created , i have followed all the steps mentioned in the challenge but still face this error.


Error : The Suggestion custom object does not contain the correct set of custom fields. Tip: check for typos in the field names.


Kindly help . thank you
7 件の回答
  1. 2019年3月4日 2:00
    Hi Ramya A ,


    Also make sure the custom field label and api name as per the module and also profile level permission (visibility)


    Thanks & Regards,


    Sakthivel Madesh
  2. 2019年3月1日 0:28
    @Ramya A 


    By seeing the error, the fields have some naming error. Please create the same as below


    @Ramya A By seeing the error, the fields have some naming error.


    Thank you
  3. 2019年3月4日 7:45
    It worked thank you. i was getting error because of field level visibility


  4. 2023年8月1日 13:02

    @Raju Kona


    I am getting the same error "The Suggestion custom object does not contain the correct set of custom fields. Tip: check for typos in the field names."

    I checked your solution but I do not see "Number of days Open" field in the module, also what formula to add for this field? please guide

  5. 2019年3月4日 14:51
    @Ramya A,


    Close this thread. 


    Thank you
  6. 2019年3月4日 7:29
    Thank you Raju and Madesh . Will check as per your suggestions and hope it will be solved.