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3 月 5 日~ 6 日にサンフランシスコで開催される TDX (Salesforce+ でも配信) で「Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era (AI エージェント時代に向けた開発者向けカンファレンス)」にぜひご参加ください。お申し込みはこちら

Create a Care Plan

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a care plan from a template.
  • Add goals and benefits to the care plan.
  • Review and modify a care plan before assigning it to a case.

Create a Care Plan

Luke created a care plan template in the last unit. He can now customize it to create care plans for cases and help participants. Remember that you use the Case object to track a participant’s entire relationship with your organization, from intake through completion. And it’s the case record where you create the care plan.

In Nonprofit Cloud, using a care plan template isn’t required. You can start from scratch and add goals, benefits, and tasks for a completely custom care plan. But using a template is a good way to limit data entry, standardize care, and save case workers’ time.

HNMI works to end hunger and promote healthy food options globally, but that work starts at the grassroots level, sometimes one person at a time. 

Meet Jo Silvas. She was recently referred to HNMI by her healthcare provider, who worried that she was experiencing food insecurity. The HNMI staff went through the intake process and created a case for Jo and her family.

Jo and her son meet with an HNMI case manager at a cafe.

Create a case for Jo in your org to follow along with the steps in this unit.

  1. Select Cases from the navigation.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select Client Engagement and click Next.
  4. Specify these details:
    1. Subject: Food Insecurity - Silvas Family
    2. Account Name: Jo Silvas
  1. Save your work.

It’s time for HNMI Case Manager Sandra Garcia to create a care plan for Jo. 

  1. On the Food Insecurity - Silvas Family case record, click the Services tab to find the Care Plans related list.
  2. On the Care Plans related list, click Add.
  3. The Assign Care Plan Template flow appears. Specify these details.
    • Name: Jo Silvas Healthy Cooking Care Plan
    • Status: Draft. HNMI keeps care plans in this status until they’re ready to propose it to the participant.
    • Care Plan Template: Healthy Cooking Skills
    • Participant: Jo Silvas. This list is populated from the participants listed in the Case Participant related list on the case record. If you don’t see a name here that you need, add them as a case participant first.
      The Assign Care Plan template screen with values populated.
  1. Click Next.

Add Goals and Benefits to the Care Plan

Case Manager Sandra now adds goals and benefits for participant Jo. By default, they’re all selected (). She can click any goal or benefit to deselect it and remove it from the care plan.

Jo decides to include all the templated goals and benefits. Notice that the intermediate goal that Program Manager Luke created earlier appears here with the top goal, even though Sandra only added the top goal to the template.

Intermediate goal definitions appear nested under top goal definitions.

Jo has unique needs outside of the template. So, Sandra must add other benefits and goals to the care plan.

Sandra starts with adding a goal.

  1. Click Add, and select Goal Definition.
  2. Find and select Apply for government food assistance. Remember that goal definitions must exist in Salesforce before you can add them here.
    Apply for government food assistance appears in the Select Goal Definitions for Care Plan sections.
  3. Click Add to add the goal definition to the care plan.

Sandra can add other benefits the same way, with an almost identical interface. Again, remember that the benefit must exist in Salesforce before it can be added here.

Click Next to advance to the final step of the flow.

Review and Save the Care Plan

On the final step, Sandra reviews the included goal definitions and benefits. Notice that the action plan template is included with those tasks also listed.

She can review and change details as needed by clicking each element of the care plan. 

Goal definitions, benefits, and tasks appear in the final step of the Assign Care Plan Template flow.

A few settings to focus on.

  • If you have multiple participants in a case, you must select an enrollee for each goal and benefit. Optionally, add another enrollee and tasks to each goal and benefit.
  • Set start and end dates for benefits and goals.
  • Add or reassign tasks for goals, benefits, or the overall care plan.
  • Enroll participants in benefit sessions.

Depending on how Salesforce and Nonprofit Cloud are set up at your organization, there can be even more fields in this view.

Case Manager Sandra takes a tour through the details here by clicking each goal definition, benefit, and task. She checks all the elements of the care plan and makes sure that Jo or the correct person is assigned as the enrollee or assignee.

When she’s done, Sandra clicks Save to create the care plan and relate it to the case and other records. The care plan record opens, where she can preview the entire care plan or review related lists for action plans, goal assignments, benefit assignments, assessments, and more. If your nonprofit uses the Manage Benefit Disbursements element on a care plan, you can review all benefits and disbursements in one place.

Jo’s completed care plan with the Manage Benefit Disbursements component.

Now, with the care plan created, Sandra can start to work on it with a program participant. In the next unit, follow along as she uses the care plan for day-to-day work with participants.


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