+1,000 punti
Succeed from Anywhere
Learn how to set up a home office, be productive, and stay motivated.
~55 minuti
+2,100 punti
Enhance Employee Wellbeing with Camp B-Well
Learn Salesforce-tested strategies for enhancing the wellbeing of your team or company.
~4 ore 30 minuti
+300 punti
Virtual Collaboration
Learn how to collaborate with distributed teams and manage remote employees.
~45 minuti
Trailhead LIVE
Watch streaming and on-demand videos from experts. Learn Salesforce skills, work from home best practices, wellness, and more.
Supporting Our Trailblazers During This Unprecedented Time
Your safety, health, and well-being are our number one priority. Here’s how Trailhead is providing support during these uncertain times.
Trailblazer Stories
During this uncertain time, we’ve seen Trailblazers step up to help others learn, connect, and stay healthy. Get inspired by their stories.