Nozioni di base di Flow Builder
Esplora Flow Builder e scopri quando usare i flussi per automatizzare i processi aziendali.
Flow Builder Concepts
Learn key concepts of Flow Builder—data elements, variables, loops, and debug.
Logica di Flow Builder
Utilizza logica e formule per controllare i percorsi e le variabili dei flussi.
Data and Actions in Flows
Start building flows to automate business processes using Salesforce records.
Autolaunched and Scheduled Flows
Build screenless flows launched by a button, a schedule, or other automation.
Creare un semplice flusso
Utilizza Flow Builder per acquisire e aggiornare informazioni sui referenti con un flusso.
Build a Discount Calculator
Create a flow that calculates and updates an opportunity’s discount.
Create a Self-Registration Flow for an Experience Cloud Site
Use Flow Builder to create a flow to self-register portal users.
Flow Fundamentals Superbadge Unit
Configure flow actions, elements, and more to automate business processes.
Flow Administration Superbadge Unit
Deliver improved performance with flow adjustments and enhancements.
Flow Optimization Superbadge Unit
Streamline existing flows to support scalability and enhance the user experience.
Screen Flow Fundamentals Superbadge Unit
Work with screen flows and elements to streamline data management.
Screen Flow Distribution Superbadge Unit
Optimize and distribute screen flows across user interfaces according to requirements.
Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge
Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge.
Flow Elements and Resources Specialist Superbadge
Complete the capstone to earn the Flow Elements and Resources Specialist Superbadge.
Flow Interactions Superbadge Unit
Design and enhance flows with relationships to other automations and existing flows.
Scheduled Flow and Subflow Superbadge Unit
Show your strength with subflows, autolaunched flows, and scheduled flows.