Ethics by Design
Learn about ethical design and how to incorporate it into technology development.
Creare intelligenza artificiale in modo responsabile
Rimuovi il bias dai dati e dagli algoritmi e crea sistemi di IA etici nella tua azienda.
Ethical Model Development with Einstein Discovery: Quick Look
Create machine learning models that are ethical and accountable.
Introduzione all'accessibilità del Web
Scopri cos'è l'accessibilità e come rendere accessibili siti web e app per le persone con disabilità .
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Learn about the global standards that businesses can adopt to respect human rights.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): Shared Global Vision
Learn how we can all work together to protect human rights.
Salesforce CDP: A Marketer’s Guide to the Ethical Use of Data
Learn about our Responsible Marketing principles and how to use them to build trust with customers and run successful marketing campaigns.
Relationship Design
Discover how design can help build better relationships with customers and communities.
Ethical Data Use in Personalization
Apply ethical use best practices to deliver responsible personalization solutions.
Ethical Data Use Best Practices: Quick Look
Use ethical best practices to build trust and create personalized customer experiences.
Design for Sustainability
Apply design principles and best practices to the world's most urgent challenges.
Get to Know Relationship Design
Learn relationship design fundamentals and how they help you connect better with customers and communities.
Nozioni fondamentali sui dati per l'IA
Scopri l'importanza dei dati e dell'etica per prepararti alle innovazioni dell'IA che caratterizzeranno il nostro futuro.