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🚨Check you have the required software installed for the course
Must be installed: Node.js v20 or later, NPM v10 or later, Postman, React Developer Tools Chrome extension, Visual Studio Code or similar
~10 minuti
Join the Trailblazer Community
Learn relevant skills, connect to Trailblazers around the world, and give back together.
~10 minuti
+800 punti
Iniziare a usare Trailhead
Ottieni badge, divertiti e costruisci la tua carriera su Salesforce.
~1 ora 35 minuti
+300 punti
Avvio rapido: Visual Studio Code per lo sviluppo in Salesforce
Configura e integra l'IDE consigliato per lo sviluppo in Salesforce.
~25 minuti
Improve your React skills
Update your skills with React tutorials or review the reference documentation for guidance.
~10 minuti