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#Trailhead Challenges2.411 utenti parlano di questo argomento

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Hi Trailblazers! How are you? I'm trying to move forward with this activity but I have a question. I try to complete this section:


Create Service Resources for Agents

Service resources represent individual agents. Maria creates a service resource for each agent.

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Service Resources.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the following values:
    • For Name, enter the name of the agent.
    • Select the Active checkbox. A service resource must be active to receive work items.
    • For User, use the lookup icon to select the agent.
    • For Resource Type, select Agent.
  4. Click Save

But when I try to find the Service Resource the App Launcher is not showing anything. 


Understand Skills-Based Routing - Service Resource not listed

I make all the previous steps of this video:


But I can't make the same search that her (minute 16:50).


Captura de pantalla 2023-12-21 a la(s) 14.30.47.png

Probably I need to enable something in somewhere but.. I cant find any option related with this. 


I activate the Field Service option in Omni Channel Setting and also validate the Service Resource Layout according with the article. 



6 risposte



Could anyone help me how I can finish hands on assignment which required me to take action in "Service Console" when my playground does not provide "Service Console App"?


Thank You


#Trailhead Challenges

5 risposte
  1. 11 ott 2024, 16:29

    Hi, @Jang Won Park

    Hi, try to create new Playground and retake this Challenge on it. To do this:1. Login Trailhead Site2. Open

    try to create new Playground and retake this Challenge on it.


    To do this:

    1. Login Trailhead Site

    2. Open "Hands-On Orgs"

    3. Click "Create Playground"


    After waiting a few minutes, a new Playground will be created. 


    !!! Also too, make sure that all Challenges from this topic are completed in the same Playground. Each subsequent Challenge builds on the previous one.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
