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#Trailhead Challenges2.465 utenti parlano di questo argomento

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

In Trailhead, while verifying the Super Badge challenge 3 in CRM Analytics, getting the below error.

Dataset used for this challenge is attached here for reference.


CRM Analytics and Einstein Discovery Insights Specialist Challenge 3 Description:

Display Churn by Tenure

Create a ratings chart that displays churn by tenure. Configure the chart to filter by length of tenure.

Error Encountered While Verifying the challenge:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:

We can't confirm the binding syntax for the Churn Tenure chart. Check that toggle widget selections are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Confirm the binding is using the correct step.


Binding Query used in Ratings chat:

q = load "Beattie_Subs";

q = filter q by {{row(static_2.selection,[0],["min","max"]).asRange ("Tenure")}};

q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";

result = group q by all full, q_B by all;

result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';


Toggle Widget Query:


    "broadcastFacet": true,

    "columns": {

        "min": {

            "type": "string"


        "Length of Tenure": {

            "type": "string"


        "max": {

            "type": "string"


        "Tenure Length": {

            "type": "string"



    "label": "Tenure Length",

    "selectMode": "single",

    "type": "staticflex",

    "values": [


            "Tenure Length": "High Risk",

            "min": 1,

            "max": 12,

            "Length of Tenure": "1 to 12 months"



            "Tenure Length": "Medium Risk",

            "min": 13,

            "max": 24,

            "Length of Tenure": "13 to 24 months"



            "Tenure Length": "Low Risk",

            "min": 25,

            "max": 36,

            "Length of Tenure": "25 to 36 months"




For quick reference, Custom Definition of Toggle Widget is here below.

Cannot Verify Super Badge Challenge 3 and Encountering ErrorComplete Requirement:

Display Churn by Tenure

Beattie Media’s wheeling and dealing to make their newer subscribers happy has also come at a cost to their loyal subscribers, who were there at the beginning. Arnas and Olivia are dismayed to hear their longtime subscribers are feeling ignored and starting to lose their sense of loyalty. These once-steadfast subscribers are also cancelling their services for better deals. Arnas and Olivia would like to monitor churn within subscriber tenure. For example, measure the number of subscribers who’ve been with them for over 2 years and cancelled. They’re asking for a churn by tenure chart to help them be more strategic and targeted for all their subscribers.

  1. Locate the dashboard section labeled CHALLENGE 2 and replace it with a chart widget.
  2. Add Churn Tenure as the query name.
  3. Add a calculation that divides the number of churned subscribers (Churn = "Yes") by the total number of subscribers. Churned subscribers will be the numerator, total subscribers will be the denominator.
  4. Add a toggle widget above the Churn Tenure chart.
  5. Add Tenure Length as the display label.
  6. Add the following custom definition to the widget.

Tenure Length (Display)    |Length of Tenure (Value)

High Risk | 1 to 12 months

Medium Risk | 13 to 24 months

Low Risk | 25 to 36 months

Bind the Tenure Length toggle widget to the Churn Tenure chart and have it filter the Tenure field. Your solution should look similar to the example below.

Calculate Subscriber Acquisition Costs


#Trailhead Challenges  #Reports & Dashboards

1 risposta
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    31 dic 2024, 04:32


    • Super badges are part of the credentialing program,
    • Please make sure you Signed up for a free org with special configuration
    • Please check prerequisite
    •  Please Check out the Superbadge Challenge Help article.

Hi team, I would like to see more of the product MC Personalisation. Is there a test version available? Or a trailhead environment?


#Trailhead Challenges

3 risposte
  1. 20 gen, 13:37

    Hi Thomas Duijvelshoff (Profit4SF),

    Yes, You can have demo Environment for MCP. 

    MCP Demo Environment for Partners

     If you belong to a Salesforce partner company and meet specific eligibility requirements, you may be granted access to a demo environment for MCP. This environment allows you to explore all features of MCP, test different configurations, and simulate live campaigns, all without needing a full production setup. To obtain access, you generally need to meet the partner criteria and apply via Salesforce’s partner portal.  

    Here is the eligibility you can check via this article.


    But incase if you are not the member of a Salesforce partner company you can still do it by this way- Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization (MCP) offers various ways to create a test environment:

    1. Create a Test Dataset: Set up a separate dataset for testing purposes, ensuring that any data related to testing does not affect your production environment.
    2. Activate Test Mode: When configuring campaigns, use Test Mode to make them visible only to specific users, such as those identified by cookies or IP addresses. This ensures that tests don’t impact live users.
    3. Use a Staging Environment: Implement the Interaction SDK on a staging version of your website. Configure it to direct data to your test dataset instead of the production one.
    4. Utilize Debug View: Use the Debug View in MCP to check incoming test data and interactions in real time, making it easier to validate setups.
    5. Create Test Segments: Set up user segments specifically for testing, ensuring that your campaigns and rules only apply to these users.
    6. Leverage a Salesforce Sandbox (Optional): For more advanced testing, a Salesforce sandbox environment can be used to simulate full-scale tests in an isolated setting.



I'm trying to do the Prompt Builder Templates Superbadge Unit but I ran into a stopper in Challenge 1. The Fitness Object is missing and I cannot assign it as a Source. The Contact and Account Objects appear correctly, but not the Fitness one.


Prompt Builder Templates Superbadge Unit - Challenge 1 - Fitness Object missing

Screenshot 2024-12-11 111959.png


Is there a way to add or create that Object? Because without that, I cannot continue with the Challenge.


The playground is set up correctly as I could do the rest of the activities from the previous modules.




#Trailhead Challenges

3 risposte
  1. 11 dic 2024, 14:56

    Hi, @Matias Corteze


    Account and Contact are objects that are available by default in all types of Salesforce Orgs.


    The Fitness object is a custom object created specifically for this Superbadge. The only reason you might not have this object is if you are using a different Salesforce Org for this Challenge.


    Superbadges require the use of Special Developer Orgs with preloaded datasets. 


    To complete this superbadge unit, you need a special Developer Edition org that contains specific configuration and sample data. Note that this Developer Edition org is designed to work with the challenges in this superbadge unit.

    1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with special configuration.
    2. Fill out the form. For Email address, enter an active email address.
    3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up.
    4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
    5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Save your username, password, and login URL in a secure place—such as a password manager—for easy access later.
    6. You are logged in to your superbadge Developer Edition org.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ 


Hello Guys,   I was trying to create an App using Learning Adventure Template and I came across this error. 

wave.exception.WaveServiceException: Numeric field [DateSold_Year] in object 'anonymized_coffee_csv' has an invalid default value: Metadata JSON

I also looked at this blog post but did not help much as I was not able to view the setting page. I have also tried using different browsers, but the issue still persists.    Attached is ScreenShot for both the errors. Appreciate any help!    Cheers,


Template Error: Invalid default value: Metadata JSON

4 risposte