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#Trailhead Challenges2.491 utenti parlano di questo argomento

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

I keep getting this error message and this is my last module before I can start studying for my exam. Please help! Here is the error message:I keep getting this error message and this is my last module. Please help!




#Trailhead Challenges

4 risposte

Step not yet complete in Cunning Wolf Playground

An unexpected error occurred while inserting Account records and we couldn't check your work. Make sure the validation rule error message is correct, and that account records can be inserted in this org, then click "Check Challenge" again. If this continues, contact the Salesforce Help team 

I've tried creating a new playground, but that doesn't work because it doesn't have all of the things from your pass challenges within the module that you need. 

I've tried checking for other triggers and validation rules, there weren't any. 

If I can get some real help on this that'll be great. 


#Trailhead Challenges

3 risposte
  1. Ieri, 20:53

    Hi, @Laseante Lewis


    This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground. Most likely, in one of the previous Challenges, there was a task to create a Trigger or Validation Rule, and now it is affecting your current task. 


    So, how can you solve this problem? There are three ways to resolve it.


    I. Click Gear Icon --> Setup  --> Object manager --> Oppurtunity --> Fields & Relationsships --> Close Reason --> Edit --> Picklist (Multi-Select) Options --> Deselect the checkbox “Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set”. 

    II. You can go to the corresponding object and check if there are any related Validation Rules:


    1. Click Gear Icon --> Setup --> Object Manager

    2. Select Account object and from the left side menu click "Validation Rules":Hi, This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground.There should be no Validation Rules here. If there are any, you need to deactivate/delete them. 


    Additionally, there might be a Trigger created. To view your list of Triggers, you can on the menu search field type "Trigger" and select "Apex Triggers":trigger.jpgHere you should also not have any triggers. If there are any, they can affect your Account object. 


    III. You can create a new Playground and complete this task there.

    To do this:

    1. Login Trailhead Site

    2. Open "Hands-On Orgs"

    3. Click "Create Playground"


    After waiting a few minutes, a new Playground will be created. 


    !!! Also too, make sure that all Challenges from this topic are completed in the same Playground. Each subsequent Challenge builds on the previous one.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ

Steve Andruszka ha fatto una domanda in #Data Management
Hi All,


Is it possible to capitalize the first letter in a field?  The field is First Name.  I don't want to enforce this, but rather upon tabbing off the field, capitalize the first letter.  Similar to the Phone # fields, which automatically format.


Possible?  Thanks!
25 risposte
  1. 7 nov 2013, 20:20
    Hey Steve,


    With the assumption that you have Workflow Rules on your edition(with ref. to old questions), here you go:


    • Setup | Create | Workflows & Approvals | Workflow Rules.

    • New Rule.

    • Select the Object.

    • Evaluation Criteria : created and every time it's edited.

    • Rule Criteria : formula evaluates to true.

    • Formula :



        NOT(ISBLANK( FirstName )),






            ISCHANGED( FirstName )




        LEFT( FirstName , 1) <> UPPER(LEFT( FirstName , 1))



    • Save & Next.

    • From under Immediate Workflow Actions , click Add Workflow Action to select Field Update.

    • Select the Field to Update : FirstName.

    • Select User a Formula to Set the new Value.

    • Click Show Formula Editor.

    • Formula :

    UPPER(LEFT( FirstName , 1)) &


    MID( FirstName , 2, LEN( FirstName ))

    • Save

    • Done
    • Activate




I can't figure out the hands-on task for trailhead Implement Best Practices.  "Determine the formula that requires either the email or phone field to be populated when a lead is created or when it is edited and either the email or phone field has been changed. Hint: use the ISNEW, ISCHANGED, and ISBLANK functions."  and(  OR(  ISNEW(),  ISCHANGED(Email)  ),  ISNEW(),  ISCHANGED(Phone)  )


returns challenge check error "We were able to create a new lead without an Email or Phone populated."    

1 risposta
  1. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    3 mar, 23:32

I have just finished "Create Validation Rules" in "Prepare for your Salesforce Administrator Credential" (

). The Validation Rule for Opportunity was correctly created (see screenshow below). 


Neverthless, when pressing "Verify..." I get: "An unexpected error occurred while inserting Opportunity records and your work could not be reviewed. Make sure that Opportunity records can be entered into this organization, then click “Review Challenge” again. If the issue persists, please contact the Trailhead Support team."


What's the matter? Never had this issue before :-/ 

An unexpected error occurred while inserting Opportunity records and your work could not be reviewed.




#Trailhead Challenges

3 risposte
  1. 3 mar, 12:10

    Hello@Federico Senatore,

    • here are the steps:-
    1. First click setup then open object manager.
    2. Second click opportunity then open field dependencies.
    3. Third edit field dependencies and make sure every lost and won values are included then save it then check your challenge.

    If not working 


Hi, I am having trouble getting this challenge checked. I took all the steps for both validations but the error message says, "An unexpected error occurred while inserting Opportunity records and we couldn't check your work. Make sure Opportunity records can be inserted in this org, and click "Check Challenge" again. If this continues, contact the Trailhead Help team."



Can someone help me with this? 


#Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead

5 risposte
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    18 feb, 07:09

    Hello@Jessica Osias

    • here are the steps:-
    1. First click setup then open object manager.
    2. Second click opportunity then open field dependencies.
    3. Third edit field dependencies and make sure every lost and won values are included then save it then check your challenge.

    If not working 


In the "Set Organization-Wide Defaults and Create a Role Hierarchy" trailblazer training I am getting the error "We couldn't find the field 'Status' on the Position object. Review the instructions for creating the field name."  However when I go into my Object Manager and select "Position" and go to Fields & Relationships, I can see the "Status" Field set to picklist with the appropriate options.  I have deleted and recreated this Object and Field several times with no luck.  Please help! 


#Trailhead Challenges

7 risposte
  1. 26 gen, 15:31

    Agree with @Steven Trumble! Everything seems to be perfect. @Justin Koehle, Can you check the below points?

    1. Clear your browser cache or log out and back into Salesforce. Sometimes changes don't appear immediately.
    2. Make sure there are no validation rules or other configurations blocking the creation or visibility of the field.
    3. Make sure your profile has complete access to this field/object, including read, create, and edit, and ensure that field is visible for your profile.
    4. Check that a field is added to the page layout with the correct record type.

    If the field is created correctly and still causing the error, try deleting it again and creating it from scratch, following the exact instructions in the challenge. Hope that helps!

3 risposte
  1. 27 feb, 18:02

    Hi, @Fallou Ndoye


    This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground. Most likely, in one of the previous Challenges, there was a task to create a Trigger or Validation Rule, and now it is affecting your current task. 


    So, how can you solve this problem? There are three ways to resolve it.


    I. Click Gear Icon --> Setup  --> Object manager --> Oppurtunity --> Fields & Relationsships --> Close Reason --> Edit --> Picklist (Multi-Select) Options --> Deselect the checkbox “Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set”. 

    II. You can go to the corresponding object and check if there are any related Validation Rules:


    1. Click Gear Icon --> Setup --> Object Manager

    2. Select Opportunity object and from the left side menu click "Validation Rules":Hi, This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground.There should be no Validation Rules here. If there are any, you need to deactivate/delete them. 


    Additionally, there might be a Trigger created. To view your list of Triggers, you can on the menu search field type "Trigger" and select "Apex Triggers":trigger.jpgHere you should also not have any triggers. If there are any, they can affect your Opportunity object. 


    III. You can create a new Playground and complete this task there.

    To do this:

    1. Login Trailhead Site

    2. Open "Hands-On Orgs"

    3. Click "Create Playground"


    After waiting a few minutes, a new Playground will be created. 


    !!! Also too, make sure that all Challenges from this topic are completed in the same Playground. Each subsequent Challenge builds on the previous one.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ


ALL the code: 


AND ( 




ProductCode__c  =  "CA-38",  


 SUM (Amount__c)  > 0  






ProductCode__c  =  "AD-Y-11", 

 ProductCode__c  =  "AD-Y-12",  

ProductCode__c  =  "AD-Y-13", 

 ProductCode__c  =  "AD-Y-14" , 

 NOT (    SUM (Amount__c)  > 0   ) 




Erreur de formule


Hi team, 

Someone to help me.  

I want a rule that prevents the sum of specific products from being equal to zero. 




#Trailhead Challenges

10 risposte
  1. 26 feb, 21:49

    @Ohou Jean-Luc Soboh You'll need to create a Flow to accomplish this, as a formula or validation rule alone can't retrieve specific product records and sum their amounts. In the Flow, use the **Get Records** element to fetch the amounts for multiple products, aggregate them, and check if the total exceeds zero.

3 risposte
  1. 25 feb, 20:20

    Hi, @Fallou Ndoye



    This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground. Most likely, in one of the previous Challenges, there was a task to create a Trigger or Validation Rule, and now it is affecting your current task. 


    So, how can you solve this problem? There are three ways to resolve it.


    I. Click Gear Icon --> Setup  --> Object manager --> Oppurtunity --> Fields & Relationsships --> Close Reason --> Edit --> Picklist (Multi-Select) Options --> Deselect the checkbox “Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set”. 

    II. You can go to the corresponding object and check if there are any related Validation Rules:


    1. Click Gear Icon --> Setup --> Object Manager

    2. Select Opportunity object and from the left side menu click "Validation Rules":Hi, This is a common mistake that occurs because many previous Challenges were held on the same Playground.There should be no Validation Rules here. If there are any, you need to deactivate/delete them. 


    Additionally, there might be a Trigger created. To view your list of Triggers, you can on the menu search field type "Trigger" and select "Apex Triggers":trigger.jpg 

    Here you should also not have any triggers. If there are any, they can affect your Opportunity object. 


    III. You can create a new Playground and complete this task there.

    To do this:

    1. Login Trailhead Site

    2. Open "Hands-On Orgs"

    3. Click "Create Playground"


    After waiting a few minutes, a new Playground will be created. 


    !!! Also too, make sure that all Challenges from this topic are completed in the same Playground. Each subsequent Challenge builds on the previous one.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
