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#Trailhead Challenges2.444 utenti parlano di questo argomento

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

The thing is I executed the file name dreamhouseapp.apex as per the rules of the trailhead. Despites of all this I see an error in my studio. The SS as provided below


technical error in apex


Screenshot 2024-10-18 002646.png


#Trailhead Challenges

18 risposte
  1. 18 ott 2024, 14:58

    public with sharing class HouseService {


        public static List<House__c> getRecords() {

            try {

                // Create a list of House records from a SOQL query

                List<House__c> lstHouses = [




    System.debug(HouseService.getRecords()); -dreamhouse.apex







                       FROM House__c

                       WITH USER_MODE

                       ORDER BY CreatedDate

                       LIMIT 10


                      return lstHouses;


            // Code to handle exception

            catch (Exception e) {

               throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());




    the class i made -HouseService.cls


    the test file - dreamhouseapp.apex

