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#Trailhead Challenges2.444 utenti parlano di questo argomento

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.
4 risposte
  1. 6 feb, 13:10

    Hello @R Pious Wilfred Nicholas

    Try below code and it should work.

    public class PropertyUtility{

    public static void newListedProperties(){

    List<Property__c> newPropList = [Select Name,Days_On_Market__c,Broker__r.Email__c from Property__c where Days_On_Market__c < 31];

    for(Property__c p : newPropList){

    string propEmail = p.Name +':'+ p.Broker__r.Email__c ;





    Hope above information was helpful.

5 risposte
  1. 18 dic 2023, 03:30

    Hi ,


    Try it on your new playground.


    Click this button to delete and create records using Apex code. If you can read Apex code, I think you can deal with this by modifying the code.


    global with sharing class DreamHouseSampleDataController {


    global static void deleteAll() {

    DELETE [SELECT ID FROM favorite__c];

    DELETE [SELECT ID FROM property__c];

    DELETE [SELECT ID FROM broker__c];

    DELETE [SELECT ID FROM bot_command__c];




For the challenge within 

  1. SOQL for Admins
  2. Create Relationship Queries with Custom Objects

Every time I try to import the sample data I get the following error. 



Error while importing data


and it wont let me complete the challenge without the data.


#Trailhead Challenges


SOQL for Admins > Create Relationship Queries with Custom Objects


I'm unable to complete the above lab 


it's saying We can’t find the correct SOQL query in the PropertyUtility class.Regarding Create Relationship Queries with Custom Objects Lab

But in logs I'm getting the values 

1.pngCan anyone help me to resolve this


#Trailhead Challenges

5 risposte
  1. 21 ott 2024, 07:50

    Hi @MANJESH M ,


    public class PropertyUtility{

    public static void newListedProperties(){

    List<Property__c> newPropList = [Select Name,Days_On_Market__c,Broker__r.Email__c from Property__c where Days_On_Market__c < 31];

    for(Property__c p : newPropList){

    string propEmail = p.Name +':'+ p.Broker__r.Email__c ;




