1. Open Reports tab --> click
New Report --> select Opportunities and click "Start Report"
2. Filter by "Date: Close Date, Range: All Time"
3. Group: Stage
4. Save Reporth with name: Opportunities in Stages
!!!When saving the Report, please pay attention. When you enter its name, the system automatically generates its API Name, which is usually something like Opportunities_in_Stages_3xa.
Therefore, you need to remove the last characters in the API Name so that it is exactly:
Otherwise, the validation system will return an error stating that it "Cannot find this report".
5. Open Dashboard's Tab --> click "New Dashboard"
Big Deals
5. Add a Widget --> Chart or Table
Select Report: Opportunities in Stages
6. Display As: Donut Chart
Save the Dashboard.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
#Trailhead Challenges2.465 utenti parlano di questo argomento
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I'm stuck on the Create a Product Pipeline Dashboard with CRM Analytics Charts, Add a Pyramid Chart
The error message says that there is no pyramid chart with the title "Products..."
I might be wrong but I think there is......
28 giu 2024, 16:00 "Click Count of Rows options menu (⌄), then select Sort ascending to sort the bars in ascending order."
I selected the "Sum of pipeline..." to sort ascending
Hi! I need some help in this topic. Despite creating the donut chart and checking everything out. I still get the message "We couldn't find a report chart of type 'Donut'."
Because of this I can't seem to finish this exercise. The existing help questions and related solutions did not help much.
#Trailhead Challenges
17 feb, 15:06 @Srinivasa Reddy Somu, I have add the donut chart on the dashboard as well. but still no luck.
Hello there! I'm on this trailhead challenge and I'm supposed to change how the chart looks like but the different display as options are unavailable. I wonder why? And what do I need to change in order to display the chart as it's requiered for the challenge?
#Trailhead Challenges
11 feb, 21:15 Hey @Cheysa Brito,
The reason you can’t change the chart type is dashboard is probably because your
report isn’t grouped.
How to Fix It:
- Go to the report used in the dashboard.
- Check if it has a grouped field (e.g., by Account, Stage, or any relevant category).
- If not, add a group:
- Click on a column header (e.g., "Stage" or "Owner").
- Select "Group Rows by This Field."
- Save & Run the report.
- Go back to the dashboard, edit the component, and now you should see different chart display options available.
That should do the trick! Let me know if you're still stuck.
11 feb, 15:22 1. Open Reports tab --> click
New Report --> select Opportunities and click "Start Report"2. Filter by "Date: Close Date, Range: All Time"
3. Group: Stage
4. Save Reporth with name: Opportunities in Stages
!!!When saving the Report, please pay attention. When you enter its name, the system automatically generates its API Name, which is usually something like Opportunities_in_Stages_3xa.
Therefore, you need to remove the last characters in the API Name so that it is exactly:
Otherwise, the validation system will return an error stating that it "Cannot find this report".
5. Open Dashboard's Tab --> click "New Dashboard"
Big Deals
5. Add a Widget --> Chart or Table
Select Report: Opportunities in Stages
6. Display As: Donut Chart
Save the Dashboard.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
I have a report with a stacked column chart designed as below (X-Axis = Created Date, Stack By = Stage) :
When embedded on an App Home page as a Report Chart component, it shows up like below (X-Axis = Stage, Stack By = Created Date), and I have no way to change it.
This automatic swapping of X-Axis/Stack By variables is quite weird and annoying.
I saw this issue also reported in an earlier thread https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000A8OE8SAN with no clear solution.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Mikey Brown (SETGO Partners) Forum Ambassador
30 nov 2023, 19:22 Hi Longyi, that is very strange, and there don't seem to be any parameters in the Report Chart component that let you adjust that. One trick you could do is maybe throw that chart in a 1 component dashboard. In that dashboard you could use the setting to use the same chart as identified in the source report, and then on the homepage you could add that dashboard.
In Trailhead, while verifying the Super Badge challenge 3 in CRM Analytics, getting the below error.
Dataset used for this challenge is attached here for reference.
CRM Analytics and Einstein Discovery Insights Specialist Challenge 3 Description:
Display Churn by Tenure
Create a ratings chart that displays churn by tenure. Configure the chart to filter by length of tenure.
Error Encountered While Verifying the challenge:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't confirm the binding syntax for the Churn Tenure chart. Check that toggle widget selections are updating the Churn Tenure chart. Confirm the binding is using the correct step.
Binding Query used in Ratings chat:
q = load "Beattie_Subs";
q = filter q by {{row(static_2.selection,[0],["min","max"]).asRange ("Tenure")}};
q_B = filter q by 'Churn' == "Yes";
result = group q by all full, q_B by all;
result = foreach result generate (count(q_B) / count(q))*100 as 'churnRate';
Toggle Widget Query:
"broadcastFacet": true,
"columns": {
"min": {
"type": "string"
"Length of Tenure": {
"type": "string"
"max": {
"type": "string"
"Tenure Length": {
"type": "string"
"label": "Tenure Length",
"selectMode": "single",
"type": "staticflex",
"values": [
"Tenure Length": "High Risk",
"min": 1,
"max": 12,
"Length of Tenure": "1 to 12 months"
"Tenure Length": "Medium Risk",
"min": 13,
"max": 24,
"Length of Tenure": "13 to 24 months"
"Tenure Length": "Low Risk",
"min": 25,
"max": 36,
"Length of Tenure": "25 to 36 months"
For quick reference, Custom Definition of Toggle Widget is here below.
Complete Requirement:
Display Churn by Tenure
Beattie Media’s wheeling and dealing to make their newer subscribers happy has also come at a cost to their loyal subscribers, who were there at the beginning. Arnas and Olivia are dismayed to hear their longtime subscribers are feeling ignored and starting to lose their sense of loyalty. These once-steadfast subscribers are also cancelling their services for better deals. Arnas and Olivia would like to monitor churn within subscriber tenure. For example, measure the number of subscribers who’ve been with them for over 2 years and cancelled. They’re asking for a churn by tenure chart to help them be more strategic and targeted for all their subscribers.
- Locate the dashboard section labeled CHALLENGE 2 and replace it with a chart widget.
- Add Churn Tenure as the query name.
- Add a calculation that divides the number of churned subscribers (Churn = "Yes") by the total number of subscribers. Churned subscribers will be the numerator, total subscribers will be the denominator.
- Add a toggle widget above the Churn Tenure chart.
- Add Tenure Length as the display label.
- Add the following custom definition to the widget.
Tenure Length (Display) |Length of Tenure (Value)
High Risk | 1 to 12 months
Medium Risk | 13 to 24 months
Low Risk | 25 to 36 months
Bind the Tenure Length toggle widget to the Churn Tenure chart and have it filter the Tenure field. Your solution should look similar to the example below.
Calculate Subscriber Acquisition Costs
Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
31 dic 2024, 04:32 Hello,
- Super badges are part of the credentialing program,
- Please make sure you Signed up for a free org with special configuration
- Please check prerequisite
- Please Check out the Superbadge Challenge Help article.
I have been created all reports. Whenever I'm trying to create a Dashboard for this I'm uable to see the +component over the screen on the Dashboard. Can you please help me on this.
Please find the attached screenshot.
7 gen, 17:29 Hi, @Yamala Hareesh
Most likely, there is some confusion with the terminology here.
I reviewed the documentation, and in some articles, the elements of Dashboards are referred to as Widgets, while in others as Components, even though they essentially mean the same thing.
When you click +Widget, you need to choose what to add: Chart or Table, Text, or Image.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
I created a new Lighthing App and Added Reports into it, I was able to create a Report but I am unable to create a chart on that report.
Add Chart property in the UI is disabled for me. I have System Administrator, Standard User, Standard Platform User Access on the New Lighthing App that I have created.
20 dic 2024, 06:17 This is my trailhead link https://empathetic-koala-15u2j0-dev-ed.trailblaze.lightning.force.com/lightning/o/Discovery__c/list?filterName=__Recent. I am unable to add a chart in a report. I am doing this as part of Trailhead Module. Can you look into this and help me to enable the Add Chart Button in Reports.
I have created the report following the steps and once I start to create the dashboard I have all greyed out and I can't add the donut chart
thank you
27 nov 2024, 14:12 @Maria Jose Villanueva you're welcome! =)
If my previous answer was useful for you, please mark as a Accepted Answer.
I wish you success in your further learning Salesforce.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ