Search (lookup) with Record Picker Component - for Field Service Mobile now available in Beta!
Hi Everyone
If you ever wanted a Lookup capability that can be used to search and select records in offline scenarios your wait is over! We are happy to announce that Record Picker is available as a new lightning base component and can be used in custom applications for offline or online scenarios for mobile (or desktop). The component is in Beta phase in Winter '24 release for you to try out. Please provide any feedback or suggestions as you use the component. Links to relevant docs below.
For any feedback please reply to this thread or reach out to me or @Aurélie Merlin
Hi @Mimansha Samal,
The records returned in the Record Picker will be only the records the user has access to. The Record Picker is based on GraphQL API to retrieve data, and here is what is mentioned in the Query Objects guide page: