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#Lightning-record-picker0 utenti parlano di questo argomento

Search (lookup) with Record Picker Component - for Field Service Mobile now available in Beta!

Hi Everyone

If you ever wanted a Lookup capability that can be used to search and select records in offline scenarios your wait is over! We are happy to announce that Record Picker is available as a new lightning base component and can be used in custom applications for offline or online scenarios for mobile (or desktop). The component is in Beta phase in Winter '24 release for you to try out. Please provide any feedback or suggestions as you use the component. Links to relevant docs below.


For any feedback please reply to this thread or reach out to me or @Aurélie Merlin

Release Notes

Dev Documentation

6 commenti

Thank you for introducing #Lightning-record-picker, it's easy to use, and super efficient! It'd be really great if the Most recently used records (MRUs) is added to it soon, this is important and time-saving for users who frequently use specific records.



1 commento

I've recently implemented Lightning Record Picker in a custom Create/Edit form. First of all, thanks for the great out-of-the-box search features such as searching on formula fields. I have however noticed that two things don't work as promised in the documentation:


- The primaryField on displayInfo can not be changed from the Name field. There are no errors, but no matter what other field I specify as the the primaryField, Name still shows as the primaryField.


- The filterLogic behaves somewhat strangely: '(2 OR 3) AND 1' does what it should, but '1 AND (2 OR 3)' doesn't. It then seems to be seen as '1 AND (2 OR 3)'. If you don't start with the OR condition, the filterLogic doesn't work correctly.


Also, at the moment the magnifying glass icon doesn't seem to do much. In the future, it would be great if it could show something like the complete list or recent records when clicking on the magnifying glass.


Thanks again very much for the great new component!


1 commento
  1. 9 apr 2024, 09:05

    Hi @Steven Van Gils,

    Thanks for sharing your feedbacks, happy to read this component is useful :)

    Could you confirm us in which release you faced those issues?

    Both should be fixed in the Spring '24 release:

    - Primary Display Field

    In Winter '24 the primary display field was not configurable and the Name field was used.

    In Spring '24, the capability to configure it has been added, you should be able to configure another field.


    - filterLogic issue

    This issue was identified and has been fixed in Spring '24 as well.


    About the 2 new features you mention: 

    - Support of MRUs (Most Recently Used) records in the record picker suggestions,

    - Support of an Advanced Search ("Show more result") action to help having more results and more details on records.


    We identified them but unfortunately there are not prioritized in the roadmap today. Your feedback is very valuable and will help us.



This documentation has some errors that are not user friendly and may let other developer misunderstanding. Would I know if this document should be reviewed again and revised wrong content? 


For example: the filter section, filter logic is not son attribute with criteria. https://developer.salesforce.the filterLogic attribute should be sibling attribute.1.png

Since this is official document, I think it should be accurate, If my demo is not correct, please kindly let me know #Salesforce Developer  #Salesforce  #LWC  #Wrong Settings 

4 commenti

Hi everyone,

For those who don't yet know the beta version of the #Lightning-record-picker component is already available. It's a standard record search component . Really helpful!

However, it would be great to have the create record feature added to it as in the standard lookup search field in experience cloud.


#Lightning-record-picker improvements



2 risposte