Hi @Vibha Tripathi ,
If you are not able to see the entitlement option even in classic version, try adding Entitlement Templates from related list section to the page layout of products. For this search for products from quick find and select page layout and then select edit next to product layout and add "Entitlement Templates".
I just found the strange part that the new entitltement template created directly under Entitlement tab does not really exist. I need to create the template from Setup/Entitlement template.
Iam facing similar issue in this trail head unable to link entitelments
- Apply the Phone Support entitlement template to the Solar Battery product
- Hint: You link entitlement templates to products in Salesforce Classic.
Thank you for the response. It is a Trailhead module. I have provided the link below:
https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/entitlement-management-for-lightning-experience/get-started-with-entitlements?trailmix_creator_id=skiesolutions&trailmix_slug=service-cloud-simple-end-userThank you!
[Tyson Logo]
Natalie Treveiler, Associate FSQA
Consumer Relations, FSQA
Tyson Foods | The Protein Company™
2200 W Don Tyson Pkwy, Springdale, AR 72762
(479) 290-1685
Natalie.treveiler@tyson.com<mailto:Team.member@tyson.com>Hope you are doing well.
I am from the Trailhead help team. May I request you please let us know if this is part of any Trailhead module/project that you are working on so that we can understand better and can help you further.
If this is related to any Trailhead badge, kindly share the URL of the Trailhead so that we can assist further. Else, please let us know if this is part of any real time business use case that you have been working on so that we can guide you accordingly.
Kind Regards,
Nagendra Babu Pilli
Trailblazer Help
Hi ,
What is the trailhead that is experiencing this issue? Please provide the URL of the trailhead.
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