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Currently in my field service we have some appointments that are made before the scheduled day and are set as completed status in the service appointment, but my field service considers this appointment as an ongoing appointment and calculates the travel time and reserves the slot for the completed appointment. 


Does anyone have anything to disregard the completed appointment in the scheduling and ESO process so i can put another appointment in this slot or don't calc the travel time to other appointment?

4 risposte
  1. Heiko Lindner (Privat) Forum Ambassador
    14 mar, 09:13

    @Cristiano Bruno Teles

    thanks for the details. Means in your example, all three SAs have been scheduled on the same day, but the SA planned in the middle, has been done earlier then planned, right?  

    Would it make sense to update the scheduled date of the SA2, if it's done earlier then planned and trigger the optimizer to update the current schedule for the resource.  

    Maybe the optimizer triggers the planned times incl. travel time, if you trigger this one in just a case. I never had a use case like this. I would reschedule the appointment SA2, if this was done earlier then planned.

  2. 13 mar, 18:28

    Hello @Cristiano Bruno Teles


    Have you considered using Salesforce Field Service Starter Kit?


    You can reuse and adjust the flows included in this package to fit your needs. 


    For instance, the Scheduled Start and Scheduled End fields can be updated automatically to reflect the actual start and end times. This way, a service appointment scheduled for tomorrow but completed today will no longer occupy a time slot for tomorrow. 


    Thank you!

  3. 13 mar, 16:38

    Hi @Heiko Lindner



    Let's me try explain more, Example: 

    I have ServiceAppointment1 Completed today 13/03, but the Scheduled Start is for tomorrow 14/03 09:48 - 10:11, if i need schedule ServiceAppointment2 in this slot time 14/03 09:48 - 10:11, the slot time it aren't available because serviceappointment1 is in there, but i think it should available because the SA1 it is already 


    2. If a have 3 Service Appointment:

    •  SA1(In Progress) scheduled start 14/03 09:30 | scheduled end 14/03 10:00 


    • SA2(Completed Today 13/03) scheduled start 14/03 10:30 | scheduled end 14/03 11:00 


    • SA3(In Progress) scheduled start 14/03 11:10 | scheduled end 14/03 13:00 


    The field service it's calculate travel time between SA1 to SA2 to SA3, so the SA2 was done today, so the resource don't need go to this SA2, it need calculate travel time to SA1 to SA3 or just don't calculate travel time SA1 to SA2 


  4. Heiko Lindner (Privat) Forum Ambassador
    13 mar, 10:33

    Not sure if I understand it correctly, maybe you can give some more details or an example, thx.
