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I copy and pasted a few times straight from the lesson, but keep getting this Field_Integrity_Exception message on a failed save.

I am new to writing SOQL and SQL, so some guidance would be much appreciated.

Having trouble advancing in module using Dev Console.


#Trailhead Challenges

6 risposte
  1. 20 dic 2024, 11:31

    @Thomas Liscio try to create new Playground and retake this Challenge on it.


    To do this:

    1. Login Trailhead Site

    2. Open "Hands-On Orgs"

    3. Click "Create Playground"


    After waiting a few minutes, a new Playground will be created. 


    !!! Also too, make sure that all Challenges from this topic are completed in the same Playground. Each subsequent Challenge builds on the previous one.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ

  2. 20 dic 2024, 05:48

    This worked for me:

    public class ContactAndLeadSearch {


        public static List<List<sObject>> searchContactsAndLeads(string LastName) {


            List<List<sObject>> Conlea = [FIND :lastName IN ALL FIELDS

                        RETURNING Contact(Name),Lead(Name)];

            return Conlea;



  3. 22 ago 2024, 18:31

    Hi @Thomas Liscio, I am from the Trailhead help team. I assume that this issue needs further review and we may need access to your Salesforce org where you are trying to complete the challenge. We will create a case on behalf of you for this issue and reach out to you via email to investigate further.


    Thank you!


    ++CreateTrailheadCase ← You can ignore this command, it is a tool used by our Agents to tell the system to create your case.

  4. 21 ago 2024, 20:15

    Hi, @Thomas Liscio


    This error indicates that your Books4EveryoneHome component is missing the opening and closing <aura:component> tags.


    Please review the instructions once more and ensure that you follow the steps gradually and methodically. At the end, you should have a completed component.



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ

  5. 19 ago 2024, 20:43

    Hi ,


    This is a sample of aura:component.


    <aura:attribute name="contact" type="Contact" />

    <lightning:card variant="Narrow" title="{!}"


    <aura:set attribute="actions">

    <lightning:button name="details" label="Details" onclick="{!c.goToRecord}" />


    <aura:set attribute="footer">

    <lightning:badge label="{!}"/>


    <p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">



    <p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">




