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Hi All:


I am working on the Create Chatter Groups Unit in Trailhead and can not for the life of me seem to locate the "?" mentioned in the challenge to be able to search documentation. See srceenshots of the challenge steps and my org attached. Create Chatter Groups Unit in TrailheadMy Org Screenshot
27 risposte
  1. 7 mag 2019, 09:07

    Hi Rebecca. You probably copy-pasted the text from Trailhead into Playground. There seems to be a formatting problem of the text when you copy and paste it, therefore Salesforce doesn't recognize it.

    I would suggest the following: 


    1.  Copy this text here "Hi Support people! Here is some quick training on how to use the @mention feature, to bring another user or even an entire group into a Chatter conversation" 


    2. Paste it on the "Share an update" field as regular. 


    3. Make sure the text is entered without any braking line and is continuous just as in point 1.


    4.  Leave an empty row


    5. Paste the link 


    6. Share the post


    I retook these steps from a new Playground. In the beginning, I had the same problem, after following these steps things worked out.


    Let me know how that turns out for you. 


    All the best




  2. 3 mag 2019, 20:29
    Hi @Adnan Zaman, I just solved it. Try to separate the message from the link in step 5, leaving an empty row. Get back to me if the problem persist.
  3. 1 mag 2019, 11:26
    Hi All,


    I am having bit of a challenge in getting the "Verify Step to earn 100 points". I have tried on a new trailhead playground as well but not sure what is causing it to keep throwing this error:


    Ensure that you are following all the instructions for posting to a Chatter group.


    Attached are some screen shots, thanks for the help!


    Hi All, I am having bit of a challenge in getting theUser-added imageUser-added image


  4. 20 mag 2020, 11:04
    @Louis Regner


    Hello! Can someone help me? I have tried everything and nothing works for me, I don't know whether to give up on this´s so frustrating
  5. 30 ago 2021, 15:02

    use the inverted commas before and after example  "Hi Support people! Here is some quick training on how to use the @mention feature, to bring another user or even an entire group into a Chatter conversation" 

  6. 9 set 2020, 19:34
    Thanks for the information! This thread helped. For All Support group, there are two posts to be made. I had just done one.
  7. 10 mag 2020, 11:14


    I had the same problem. when I checked, there are two steps that looks a like, So I forgot one : 


    1) In the “Share an update…” section, post the following message: Welcome to the All Sales group, which replaces the All Sales email list.


    4) Post a welcome message to the All Support group. In the "Share an update..." section, post the following message: Welcome to the All Support group, which replaces the All Support email list.


    I just add the message and It work.


    Be sure you haven't forgotten any step.


  8. 11 feb 2020, 08:30
    Hi @Louis Regner,


    Sorry for the late reply. 


    I tried it again in a new playground right now and its working so I think it is probably a browser or a cache problem. I would suggest trying the following. 


    1. Reopen your trailhead session from Incognito window and log in again. 


    2. Create a new playground from scratch. 


    3. Retry the exercise. 


    Please let me know if this worked, otherwise we troubleshoot it together again. 






  9. 21 nov 2019, 15:51
    Thank you so much the copying of your text worked for me as suggested, that was super frustrating.  Trailhead should really be more proactive and fix stuff like this when there are community postings like this one here.  I'm unable to complete 2 CPQ superbadges due to a buggy modual and it's killing me!  Thanks again for your help! :-)
  10. 11 giu 2019, 16:02
    Hi, I was having the similar issue. Following the instructions in the thread I was able to complete the module. Thanks for contributing and maintaiining this awesome repository of knowledge.