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+1,700 punti

Coinvolgere gli stakeholder con il Nonprofit Success Pack

Sviluppa e gestisci relazioni efficaci con clienti e sostenitori.

~3 ore 25 minuti
+100 punti

Stakeholder Engagement with Nonprofit Success Pack: Quick Look

Discover how to build and grow relationships with donors, supporters, and those you serve.

~5 minuti
+500 punti

Campaign Management with Nonprofit Success Pack

Manage all of your constituent engagement efforts with campaigns.

~1 ora 25 minuti
+300 punti

Engagement Plans and Levels in Nonprofit Success Pack

Create tasks and group stakeholders automatically with engagement plans and levels.

~40 minuti
+300 punti

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Basics

Learn what Account Engagement is and how it can help you market to other businesses.

~45 minuti
+100 punti
Modulo Insights Platform Data Integrity: Quick Look

Automate checks on your contact data with helpful tools.

~5 minuti
+100 punti

Marketing Cloud Engagement for Industries: Quick Look

Learn how you can get more value, faster from Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

~5 minuti
+300 punti

Nozioni di base su Marketing Cloud Engagement

Esplora la nostra potente suite di prodotti e inizia a creare la tua strategia di marketing digitale

~20 minuti
~3 ore 25 minuti