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Import Data and Test the App

You now have a fully functional application. You built the data model, and in parallel behind the scenes, the user interface was created for you. And a full SOAP and REST API layer was automatically created to integrate your Travel Approval objects with objects in other systems. In this final step, you import some data and test the app.

Import Departments

Before you test your application, first load some sample data into the Departments object.

  1. From Setup, click the Home tab.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Data Import and select Data Import Wizard.
  3. Click Launch Wizard! Data Import Wizard screen with Launch Wizard! Button highlighted.
  4. Click the Custom Objects tab and select the Departments object.
  5. Next, select Add new records.
  6. Drag and drop the Departments.csv file you downloaded in Step 1 - Create a Travel Approval Lightning App to the Drag CSV file here to upload section, or click the CSV icon and browse to select your file. Select Next.
  7. Since the field names in the CSV file (CSV Header) are the same as the field names in your object (Mapped Salesforce Object), the fields are automatically mapped. Click NextScreen showing field mapping for the Departments object.
  8. The next screen gives you a summary of your data import. Click Start Import.
  9. Click OK on the popup.

This takes you to the bulk import summary window that shows that the process has completed and 16 records have been successfully imported or processed. You’ll also get an email notification confirming the import.

Test the App

Now that you’ve imported department data, you can test out the app.

1. Click App Launcher icon to open the App Launcher and navigate back to your Travel Approval app.
2. Click the Departments tab.
3. Click the Recently Viewed (1), and select All (2).

Departments tab of the Travel app showing navigation from (1) Recently Viewed to (2) All.

4. Click any one of the departments to drill down into the Department details. For example, click Contract Management and check out the department details including the Department Code field you created, along with some default fields.

Screen for Contract Management in the Departments tab of the Travel App.

Now, create a sample travel approval and associate a few expense estimates to it.

1. Click the Travel Approvals tab and click New.
2. Enter these details.

Purpose of Trip
Attend Dreamforce
Trip Start Date
(pick any date you want)
Trip End Date
(pick any date you want)
Check/select this option
Destination State

3. Click Save. You now have a travel approval record.

New travel approval record in the Travel Approvals tab of the Travel App.

Finally, add expense estimates for airfare and hotel to the travel approval. Click the Related tab.

  1. Click New, then enter these details:
    • Amount: 450
    • Expense Type: Airfare
  2. Click Save & New.
  3. Click New then enter these details.
    • Amount: 870
    • Expense Type: Hotel
  4. Click Save.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a travel app for your organization. To build the app, you created custom objects for Departments, Travel Approvals, and Expense Items, and you imported department data. Finally, you’ve tested the app by creating the first Travel Approval record. In the next project, you learn how to customize the user interface, work with list views, and enable Chatter.

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