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Examine Common Salesforce Maps Use Cases

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Automate user processes.
  • Interact with plotted data.
  • Create routes and schedules.

Earlier you met Candace Evans, a sales rep at Cloud Kicks. Throughout this unit, you look at common use cases for sales users based on Candace’s experience. But Salesforce Maps isn’t just for sales! It can be used by anyone interested in making business decisions faster using location intelligence. Here are a few examples. 


Use Cases

Sales User

Identify and prioritize leads, accounts, and opportunities based on proximity. Easily create, save, and execute sales visits with optimized routes.

Service User

View location of service calls to plan technician visits. Technicians utilize the check-in feature to help dispatch and schedule service calls based on the location of the available technicians.

Marketing User

View leads and contact locations as a heat map. Identify population areas for effective marketing campaigns and book event venues based on the density of relevant leads and contacts within specific geographical areas.

Management Team

View teams’ accounts and opportunities for coaching purposes. Help team members efficiently plan prospect or client visits based on proximity. View and adjust ownership of territories as needed.

Candace Evans meets with her manager to discuss Salesforce Maps features that can help her increase productivity, stay organized, save time, and, consequently, increase revenue through faster maturation of her deals. He shows her how to automate some processes and demonstrates how to use Salesforce Maps. Excited about what she learned, Candice is ready to start.

Automate Processes

Hoping to save time, she starts by automating some of her account planning needs. Candace’s territory consists of one state—North Carolina. She wants a zoomed-in view of her territory when using Salesforce Maps, so she enters North Carolina in the search bar, and then adjusts the map zoom level to display a complete view of her territory. Next she selects House Icon and chooses Set as Default View to set the current map as her default view. Next, she selects the Corporate folder on the left side panel.

Map view of North Carolina. The Home icon menu is open, with the Set as Default View menu option selected from the dropdown menu. On the left panel, the Corporate folder is selected.

A sales team subfolder appears and contains two marker layers. 

  • My accounts without events in the last 90 days
  • My Open Opportunities

Rather than plotting these marker layers each time she uses Salesforce Maps, Candace sets them to load automatically by clicking the three vertical dots next to each layer and selecting the Toggle Plot on Load action.

In the open Layers menu, the three vertical dots next to the “My Accounts without events in the last 90 days” marker layer is selected. The menu of plotting options is now available, and Toggle Plot on Load is highlighted.

Candace tests her newly set automation by refreshing her map.  

Interact with Markers

The map automatically loads with a view of her territory and both marker layers plot. The opportunity marker layer has a legend that displays map markers as different colors based on the opportunity stage. 

Candace decides to plan visits only to her opportunities in the prospecting and qualification stages. She un-checks all visual markers in the left side panel, and then selects the checkbox next to both Prospecting and Qualification

Now she can start planning her week in Charlotte, North Carolina. She begins by using the Point of Interest search bar to center in on that map area.  

The Layer menu is open, with the OnThe Map tab selected. This displays the marker layer legend. All marker options are unchecked except for the Prospecting and Qualification.

Candace clicks a marker to view more information, including the account name, phone number, opportunity amount, probability, and stage. 

The marker layer is plotted on the map. This displays as pins on the map. One pin from the map view is selected. A popup box is displayed and tooltip options are listed, such as the account name Acme Software and phone number. They appear in the popup box under the info tab.

She calls the account, ACME Software, sets up a meeting for Monday at 10 AM, and edits the probability field of the opportunity to 90%.

The marker layer is plotted on the map. This displays as pins on the map. One pin from the map view is selected. A popup box is displayed and tooltip options are listed, probability is listed as one of the tooltip options.

Then she clicks the Actions tab and clicks Log a Call under the activities section where she enters notes about her call. Next, she clicks New Event and creates a new event for her scheduled meetings on Monday at 10 AM. Feeling excited about her progress, she clicks Add to Route under the actions section and starts creating her route for Monday.

The marker layer is plotted on the map. This displays as pins on the map. One pin from the map view is selected. A popup box is displayed and buttons, such as, log a call, new event and add to route are listed under the Actions tab.


Markers can be viewed as pins on the map or as a list view. If plotting markers as a list, plot a marker layer or multiple marker layers and select the List tab on the Maps toolbar. Each marker layer displays as its own tab in a list view at the bottom of the map.


After adding the marker to a route, Candace draws a shape around other account markers in the area and uses the Mass Actions automation to add them all to the route.

A shape is also drawn on the map. There are pins in the shape. All records within the shape can be added to a route using mass actions. The mass actions and add to route options are highlighted.

All selected accounts appear on the left side panel under the Routes tab. Since Candace has one appointment, she toggles on Time-based Routes.

The icon used to toggle on Time-based routes is highlighted under the Routes tab.

Next, she enters the time of her appointment and sets the duration to 1 hour. She doesn’t have any other appointments for that day. She sets the duration for all other stops as 30 minutes and selects optimize. Salesforce Maps returns the most optimal way to get to each stop, as well as the length of time it takes in traffic and miles driven. 

The shape and route is displayed on the map. The routes tab is selected on the left side panel, and the following options are highlighted: Time-based routes, time duration, time of appointment, time traveled in traffic, and distance traveled.

Candace saves her route and follows the same steps to create a route for additional days. 

When creating routes, here are some answers to commonly asked questions.



Can you set your home as your default start and end location?

Yes, create a favorite location and select the settings gear to add your favorite location as your start and end location.

Can you add an airport or hotel to your route?

Yes, select Add a Stop at the bottom of the route menu or search for the location using the points of interest search bar and select Add to Route.

How can you add a meeting time and duration to a route?

Yes, toggle on Time-based Routes and enter meeting time and duration.

Candace completes her routes for the week and starts planning for the following week. 


The following Monday she scheduled meetings with out-of-town clients as events in her Salesforce calendar. She wants to see these scheduled meetings on the map so she can add additional meetings where there are gaps. In this case, she would use the Schedule tab to view her calendar events. After selecting the Schedule tab, she selects the date she’s traveling—now her meetings display in an easy-to-follow view.

The Schedule tab is selected and two scheduled appointments appear as meetings under the scheduled tab.

She uses the calendar to select the week view.

The Schedule tab is selected and two scheduled appointments appear as meetings under the scheduled tab. The calendar icon is selected and the week view is highlighted.

Candace has two scheduled meetings on Monday but no other scheduled meetings scheduled for the rest of the week. She selects Map My Schedule to display her route for Monday on a map. 

The schedule for the week displays on the map. The Map My Schedule icon is selected for Monday.

She notices a number of gaps between her meetings. She clicks some nearby markers, calls each account, and schedules additional meetings. 

Under the actions tab, she clicks Add to Schedule for each additional meeting and they display in the unscheduled queue. Next, she drags each account to the meeting time in her schedule for Monday.  

Screenshot shows a weekly calendar view of Candace's Schedule with her appointments for Monday displayed. The unscheduled menu is highlighted. A marker on the map is selected, and in the popup, the add to schedule option is highlighted.

Once her Monday schedule is complete, she turns her attention to Tuesday. Her flight home doesn’t leave until Tuesday evening, so rather than working in the hotel lobby for the day, she decides to schedule some meetings for Tuesday. She draws a shape on the map around opportunities between the hotel and airport and takes the following steps.

  1. Right click in the shape, select mass actions, then select Add to Schedule.
  2. In the unscheduled queue, click the button on the toolbar for Tuesday.
  3. Select the Add to Schedule button.

Screenshot shows a rectangular shape on the map. Add to Schedule was selected for all markers inside the shape, and they all appear under the unscheduled menu.

All unscheduled accounts populate on the schedule under Tuesday. She makes adjustments by dragging accounts to different time slots then selects Map My Schedule to view her route on the map. When satisfied, she clicks Save and her meetings are automatically saved as events in her Salesforce calendar. 

Screenshot shows a rectangular shape highlighted on the map. All markers inside the shape were added to the calendar schedule for Tuesday. The calendar’s save button is highlighted.

Candace is thrilled about the time she saved planning efficient routes and schedules. Not only that, once she’s in the field, Salesforce Maps can also guide her through her daily appointments right from her phone! 


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