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Install a Data Kit

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Install a package.
  • Create a data stream from a data kit.
  • Create a calculated insight from a data kit.
  • Troubleshoot and follow best practices.

How to Install a Package

Most tasks in Data Cloud require either a Data Cloud Admin permission set or a Data Cloud for Marketing Data Aware Specialist permission set. If you are unable to complete these steps, reach out to your Salesforce admin for assistance.  Don’t try to follow these steps in your Trailhead Playground. Data Cloud isn’t available in a typical Trailhead Playground.

Let’s review the steps to install the package.

  1. From a separate tab or new window in the Data Cloud org you wish to install the data kit, enter the provided URL.
  2. Then choose Install for Admins Only and click InstallScreenshot of installation options.
  3. Click Done when the installation completes.

Create Data Streams from Data Kits

Once you have a data kit installed you can create data streams. While logged into the environment where you installed the data kit, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Data Cloud and the Data Stream tab.
  2. Click New to create a data stream.
  3. Select Salesforce CRM and click Next.New Data Stream page with Salesforce CRM selected as the source for the data stream to unify data.
  4. Select the appropriate Salesforce Org and then find your data kit under Custom Data Bundles.Create new data strem from data bundle
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the data space, review the fields in your data stream, and click Next.
  7. Review details and click Deploy.

Your new data stream is created with the same model and mappings found in your dev environment. 

Create an S3 Data Stream

Follow similar steps for creating an S3 data stream.

  1. From Data Streams, click New.
  2. Select Installed Data Kits & Packages under Other Sources and click Next.
  3. Select the correct Data Stream package and select the Data Stream you want to install, then click Next.
  4. Review the information carefully and add Formula Fields, as needed.
  5. Next, enter a name for your data stream, the required S3 information and S3 authentication details, and a schedule frequency (3).
  6. Finally, click Deploy.

Your new data stream is created and looks identical to the one in your development org.

Create a Calculated Insight from a Data Kit

In addition to creating data streams, you can install insights from data kits. 

  1. Go to the Calculated Insights tab and click New.
  2. Select Create from a Package and click Next. Select Create from a package.
  3. Select the package and click Next.
  4. Click Deploy.

Update a Data Kit

If there is a new mapping added to a Sales data stream in your source org for example, you can update the previously created data kit with these changes and then create a new package version. To update the content within your data kit for Salesforce CRM data streams, follow these steps in the source org.

  1. Go to Data Cloud Setup.
  2. Select the impacted data kit and click Update.
  3. Select the data streams to be updated and click Next.
  4. Review and then click Save.
  5. Go to Package Manager and locate the managed package.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Select a new version name and number and click Upload again.
  8. Then click Ok.

The updated package is now ready to re-install in your destination org. 


This functionality is only available for data kits used for Salesforce Sales or Service data streams. 

Tips and Best Practices

As you build data kits, it’s helpful to review these troubleshooting tips and best practices. 

  • When installing a package in the UI, there are three statuses:
    • Ready to Publish: Data kits that are complete but need to be published. Reach out to an admin to assist.
    • Not Ready to Publish: Data kits that have missing required objects or fields
    • Published: Data kits available for installation
  • Confirm your environment setup if you get an error that your package can’t be installed. You can’t install a standard package in the same org you created it in.
  • If you need to upgrade or make updates to a package regularly, create a managed package version. To reflect the latest updates, the new package version needs to be installed in the destination org.
  • CRM and Commerce data kits can be packaged and reused multiple times in an org and can be mapped to multiple orgs.
  • Packaging S3 data streams with standard packaging can only be packaged once, for use in one org.
  • Calculated insights should be packaged and used in an org with a corresponding data model established and mapped. Without the required data models, installed calculated insights cannot be deployed.
  • When new data model relationships are added, make sure to include the relationships in the package for the new version.
  • Only developer edition orgs can create managed packages. To create a managed package the user needs to first claim a namespace in the Package Manager UI.

Build and Share

Now that you know the why and the how, you are ready to build and test your own data kits. These features can save you time as you configure and test your Data Cloud instance. 


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