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Review Server Side JavaScript

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Given a scenario and requirements, infer which Node.js implementation is a good solution.
  • Given a scenario and requirements, infer which Node.js CLI command is a good solution.
  • Know the core Node.js modules and given requirements, infer which Node.js library/framework is a good solution.
  • Given a scenario and requirements, distinguish which Node.Js Package Management solution is the most fitting.

Key Topics

This unit prepares you for the Server-Side JavaScript section of the Salesforce JavaScript Developer I multiple-choice exam, which makes up 8% of the overall exam. This section of the exam tests these topics:

  • Node.js fundamentals
  • Package files
  • File system and HTTP modules
  • Streams

Like the previous units, this unit contains practice scenario-based questions and flashcards.

Exam Practice Questions

Ready to jump in? The sample tool below is not scored—it’s just an easy way to quiz yourself. To use it, read the scenario, then click on the answer you think is correct. Some questions may have more than one correct answer. Click Submit to learn whether the answer you chose is correct or incorrect, and why; if there’s a longer explanation, click Expand button and then click anywhere in the window to close it. When you reach the end, you can review the answers or retake the questions.

Did you get a scenario wrong? Check out the table below for related study material.

Scenario 1
Review the package.json configuration and dependencies issues by reading the npm package.json documentation.
Scenario 2
Describe the server call functions by reviewing the Node.js https documentation.

Exam Topic Flashcards

The following flashcards cover server-side JavaScript. Use these interactive flashcards to brush up on some of the key topics you’ll find on this part of the exam.

Read the question or term on each card, then click or tap the card to reveal the correct answer. Click the right-facing arrow to move to the next card, and the left-facing arrow to return to the previous card.

Did you get a flashcard wrong? Check out the table below for related study material.

Flashcard 1
Study up on the npm package.json settings by reviewing the Specifics of npm’s package.json handling.
Flashcard 2
Discover the popular frameworks that are available by reviewing the best front-end frameworks and the best back-end frameworks.

Looking for more information? Explore these related badges.

Content Type
JavaScript Skills for Salesforce Developers badge. JavaScript Skills for Salesforce Developers
Modern JavaScript Development badge. Modern JavaScript Development
Salesforce and Heroku Integration badge. Salesforce & Heroku Integration

Congratulations. You’ve covered 38% of the JavaScript Developer I multiple-choice exam material in this badge. 

You’ve reviewed these sections. 

  • Browsers and Events
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Server-Side JavaScript

Be sure to review the other two JavaScript Developer I Certification Prep badges. Good luck on your exam!


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