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Say Hello to Insurance for Financial Services Cloud

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the business problem solved by Insurance for Financial Services Cloud.
  • List the features and benefits of Insurance for Financial Services Cloud.

Meet Cumulus Insurance

The Cumulus logo.

Cumulus Insurance, part of financial services giant Cumulus Cloud Corporation, is a large, well-diversified provider of insurance services nationwide.

Cumulus has a loyal customer base that has been trusting the company with their insurance needs for generations. But like many other industries today, the insurance industry is in the throes of a digital disruption. Customers expect exceptional experiences—and they only want to do business with companies that offer them. That means companies like Cumulus need to pivot fast and rethink how they’re connecting with their customers at every touchpoint. They need to make digital investments that enable first-rate customer experiences.

Hello, Dream Team

Cumulus sales and service reps interacting with their clients.

Let’s meet the team at Cumulus Insurance.

  • Zeynep Aksoy is a rockstar sales agent.
  • Zaw Aung is Zeynep’s colleague in customer service.
  • Matt Admin is the all-star Salesforce admin at Cumulus.
  • Corinne Proakis is a high-performing sales manager.

Problem, Meet Solution

Zeynep was struggling to provide service for Rachel Adams. Rachel is a longstanding, high-net-worth customer of Cumulus with several financial relationships with the company.

Rachel is unhappy because she recently filed an online claim three times before it was finally submitted. Each time she tried to file her claim and it wasn't submitted, she reached out to a Cumulus service rep to get help. And each time, she had a frustrating and fragmented experience. Every time she talked to a new rep, she had to explain her problem from scratch. None of the reps had up-to-date information about her conversations with previous service reps, nor did they have a full picture of her as a customer. They had no idea she held multiple policies with the company.

During a periodic portfolio review meeting, Rachel expressed her unhappiness to Zeynep. It was around the same time that Zeynep came across the powerful new industry-focused Salesforce CRM platform that helps insurance companies better connect with and serve their customers. 

What the Salesforce Insurance Platform Can Do

With this new insurance innovation from Salesforce, sales agents like Zeynep can:

  • Get a snapshot of her client’s past, present, and future life events.
  • Get seamless access to household relationships, coverage, claims, and interaction information from a single window.
  • Use out-of-the-box metrics and charts to help deliver on business goals.
  • Slice and dice data on the go.
  • Upsell and cross-sell with ease.

Zeynep’s colleague Zaw over in customer service also stands to gain with this platform. Customer service reps like Zaw can:

  • Get a single view of any client’s coverage, claims, and interaction information.
  • Use prebuilt custom metrics and charts to guide client interactions.
  • Close claims and reduce case turnaround times.
  • Execute client service requests using predefined service flows.

It’s obvious to both Zeynep and Zaw how the Salesforce insurance platform can dramatically improve Rachel’s customer experience at every touchpoint with Cumulus. No more bureaucratic silos.

Because of these features, Cumulus has decided to make the investment and roll out the Salesforce insurance platform to all the sales agents and services reps in the organization. Matt, their friendly admin, is excited by the possibilities. Follow along in the next units as he works with Zeynep, Zaw, and the rest of his squad to set up the feature. 


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