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Track Progress with Reports and Dashboards

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a list view to show whether users have verified their email address or mobile number.
  • Create a report type to customize Identity Verification History reports.
  • Create reports based on Verification History and Identity Verification Methods report types to track an org’s usage of identity verifications methods.
  • List passwordless login verification methods.
  • Create a dashboard to track identity verifications by email and SMS messaging.

Analyze Identity Verification Activity

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to create reports and a dashboard to track identity verification activity. Joel found some instructions to:

  • Create a user list view of active customers to manage identity verifications by user.
  • Create a custom report type and reports to gather information about the Experience Cloud site’s identity verification activity.
  • Create a graphical representation of the reports with a dashboard.

Create a User List View to Manage Identity Verifications by User

You can see which users have verified their email address or mobile phone number from the Users page in Setup. But it’s a long list. Let’s create a list view to filter user information to track only user identity verifications and related information. It'll make it easier for us to manage and control verified identities by user.

  1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, and click Users.
  2. Click Create New View and name the view Active Identity Verified Users.
  3. Under Specify Filter Criteria, select Active equals True.
  4. Under Select Fields to display, add and remove fields until you get this list.
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • Mobile
    • User Verified Email
    • User Verified Mobile Number
    • Admin Trusted Mobile Number
    • Time-Based One-Time Password App
    • Salesforce Authenticator
    • Username

Your view should look like this.

User fields for MFI users View screenshot

  1. Click Save.

Your list of users is now filtered so it’s easy to see which active users have verified their identity, and by which method.

Report of active verified users screenshot

Create a Custom Report Type for Identity Verification History

Set up a custom report type to define the reports and fields to make available for identity verification reports and dashboards. The field layout determines which fields the report type contains.

  1. From Setup, enter Report Types in the Quick Find box, and click Report Types.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Click New Custom Report Type.
  4. For Primary Object, select Identity Verification History.
  5. For Report Type label, enter Identity Verification History, and enter a description.
  6. For Store in Category, select Administrative Reports.
  7. For Deployment Status, select Deployed.
  8. Click Next, and then click Save.
  9. Under Fields Available for Reports, click Edit Layout.
  10. Under Identity Verification History Fields,
    1. Click Add fields related via lookup. Click Location, then select City, Country Code, Login Time, and Subdivision, then click OK.
    2. Click Add fields related via lookup. Click Login History, then select Status. Expand UserId and select Email, Last Login, and Mobile. Expand Profile and select Name, then click OK.
    3. Click Add fields related via lookup. Click Username and select Active, First Name, Full Name, and Last Name, then click OK.
  1. Click Preview Layout to see which fields are available from this report type and then click Save.

The preview should look something like this.

Fields for custom identity verification report type screenshot


To change the fields in a custom report type, from Setup select Report Types and click Continue. On the All Custom Report Types page, click the link to the name of the report itself, not the Edit link.

Create a Report Based on the Identity Verification History Report Type

After creating an Identity Verification History custom report type, we can create reports to track various identity verification statistics. Let’s create a report to track verification history and user activity.

  1. From the App Launcher (App Launcher icon), find and select Reports.
  2. Select New Report.
  3. Select Identity Verification History, and click Start Report.
  4. Under Groups, Group Rows, click Add group, and then select Method and Location:City.
  5. Under Columns, click Add column, and then select User Activity.
  6. Add a filter to exclude logins with password.
    1. Click Filters, click Add filter, and then select Method from the dropdown.
    2. In the Filter by Method modal, for Operator select not equal to. For Values, select Password. Then click Apply.
  1. Make sure the time range is set to All Time: in the Filters column, to change the default time setting, click on the Time filter to open the Filter by Time modal. For Range, select All Time, then click Save.
  2. In the upper right corner of the Report Builder window, click Save. Rename the report Passwordless Logins by City, and click Save.

Create a Report Based on the Identity Verification Methods Report Type

You can make a variety of reports based on the Identity Verification Methods report type. Let’s create a report to track users by username. The Identity Verification Methods is a standard report that lists all the methods that can be used to verify user identities. You can edit the report to track the desired statistics.

  1. From the App Launcher (App Launcher icon), find and open Reports.
  2. Select New Report.
  3. Under Category, select All.
  4. Find and select Identity Verification Methods, and click Start Report.
  5. Under Groups, Group Rows, click Add group, and then click Username.
  6. Under Columns, click the X to deselect each column name except User Verified Email and User Verified Mobile Number.
  7. In the upper right corner of the Report Builder window, click Save. Rename the report Identity Verifications by Username, and click Save.

Create an Identity Verification Dashboard

Northern Trail Outfitters wants an at-a-glance summary of all activity related to identity verifications. And Salesforce has the perfect graphical tool for tracking mobile first identity (MFI) progress with a few clicks. Joel followed these steps to create his own dashboard from the reports he created based on his Verification History and Identity Verification Methods report types.


Unfortunately, your org doesn’t contain any data, so your dashboard will be sparse. But just for fun, try it anyway.

  1. From the App Launcher (App Launcher icon), find and select Dashboards.
  2. Click New Dashboard.
  3. Name your dashboard, NTO Identity Verification, and enter a description.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click + Widget and select Chart or Table.
  6. From Select Report, choose Passwordless Logins by City, and then click Select.
  7. From Display As, click Stacked Horizontal Bar chart. (Hover over the charts to see their names.)
  8. For Y-Axis, choose Method. For X-Axis, choose Record Count. For Stack By, choose Location: City.
  9. Click Add.
  10. Click Save, and then Done.

Joel got in the data-visualization groove and added a few of his own dashboard components. He created a Lightning table to list identity verifications by username. Then he created a report to show what prompted the identity verifications and named it Identity Verifications Triggered By. He used the report to create a stacked horizontal chart to show the breakdown of identity verifications by what triggered the verifications using:

  • Identity Verification Triggered By for name of the report
  • Stacked Horizontal Bar for the chart
  • Location: City for Y-Axis, Record Count for X-Axis, and Triggered By for Stack By
  • Identity Verification Triggered By for Title

Joel added and rearranged his dashboard to look something like this.

Identity Verification Dashboard for Northern Trail Outfitters

Admins and execs are going to love to see passwordless logins adoption at a glance. Good job!

You’ve learned what little effort it takes to give your customers easy access to your site. You’ve learned how to brand and customize your login experience to address your market’s needs. Prepared with your newfound skills (and pretty charts), you can envision your progress at glance. All this with tools that you already own.

With mobile-first identity, customers will be happy with a sign-up process that is as easy to use as a ride-sharing app. You’ll soon build up your customer base by reaching customers wherever they are—at work, at home, on the road, on the train, or on the ferry. On the run.


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