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Discover Reusable Clauses

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Define Document Clause Library.
  • Explain the clause set and clauses.
  • Demonstrate clause authoring.

Document Clauses

A clause is a text-based building block in a contract with approved legal language or provisions defined for your organization. Clauses typically specify terms and conditions or other legal statements required in contracts.

A document clause set is a way to group and organize related clauses based on their variations and versions. A document clause set can have only one main clause, but it can include multiple alternate clauses.

Clause Library is a central repository of prebuilt and preapproved template clauses for use in contracts and document templates. Find predefined, reusable clauses in the Clause Library, or create your own new clauses. Clauses speed up the document creation process so Candace’s team can issue contracts without having to contact the legal team for every deal.

With Clause Library, you can:

  • Maintain a clause lifecycle that includes draft, in approval, active, and archived.
  • Simplify contract review and negotiation with preapproved clauses.
  • Create contract and document templates faster.
  • Reuse clauses across contracts and templates.
  • Enhance the customer experience and increase satisfaction through process digitization.
  • Reduce administrative overhead.
  • Improve compliance management by reducing financial and legal risks.

Clause Library provides several useful features:

  • Clause Library APIs: Facilitate industry-specific use cases with APIs to fully orchestrate Clause Library functions.
  • Clause Set: Create and maintain variations and versions of the same clause.
  • Clause Language: Support multiple languages.
  • Clause Category for Clause Set: Group related clauses based on business unit, product, or service categories.
  • Clause Format: Support unformatted and formatted texts.

Clause Types

A clause can be a main clause or an alternate clause. A main clause is the primary clause required for a specific type of document, whereas an alternate clause is a preapproved substitute for the main clause. Alternate clauses give you different language options or cater for certain situations. You can replace the main clause with an alternate clause or an alternate clause with another alternate clause during template design or contract authoring.

Clause Creation

Candace needs to include terms in all the contract documents, so Linda creates a reusable, text-based clause to use across document templates.

First, create a document clause set by navigating to Document Clause Sets from the Lightning App Launcher and selecting Create Clause Set. Provide details such as the name, default language, usage type, and category. Next, add the main clause by selecting the document clause set and clicking +Add Clause. Specify details like name, language, description, and content.

If you need an alternate version of a clause, create it by selecting the original clause and clicking Add Alternate Clause. Finally, activate the clause to make it available in contract documents and templates.

Click Next to view each step of clause creation.

Clause Versioning

Document clause versioning tracks changes in contracts over time and is a good way of comparing and analyzing clause modifications. With clause versioning, you can make informed decisions about contract content.

To create a new clause version, select a document clause, and click Create New Version. Enter the clause description and content, and save it. This creates a new clause version in Draft state.

Clause Lifecycle Configuration

Each clause follows a lifecycle of creation, activation, versioning, archiving, and typically deletion.

Click the numbered hot spots on the image to learn more.

In this unit, you learned how Cloud Kicks used clauses and clause sets to standardize terms across their contract documents. You also explored clauses, reusable clause sets, and alternate versions. Now that you're up to speed on clauses, carry on to the next unit to dive into Salesforce Contracts integration with Microsoft 360.


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