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Consolidate and Manage Your Data

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the benefits of storing data in the cloud.
  • Explain the use of Google Cloud solutions like Cloud Storage and Cloud Big Query.
  • Explain ways businesses can migrate and modernize their data storage in the cloud.

In this unit, you learn key terms related to data management and the benefits of migrating data to the cloud. Review several use cases along with relevant Google Cloud data management solutions that enable users to draw insights from their data.

Manage Unstructured Data

Manage Structured Data

Manage Semi-Structured Data

Choose the Right Storage Solution

Modernize Your Database

Did You Watch the Videos?

Remember, the quiz asks about the videos in this unit. If you haven't watched the videos yet, go back and do that now. Then you’re ready to take the quiz.

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