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Setup Your Profile and Explore Trailhead
Let's make sure your profile is up to date and ensure you've got the basics of using Trailhead down.
Update Your Profile
When you first sign up to Trailhead you enter basic information. Let's make sure you're all set up and ready to jump into learning.
Votre guide d’utilisation de Trailhead
Familiarisez-vous avec Trailhead et commencez à apprendre dès aujourd’hui.
Trailhead Help
If you ever get stuck or have a problem with Trailhead, Trailhead Help can assist! If it's not in the help articles then log a case!
Get to Know Salesforce Better
Complete these modules to better understand Salesforce and what it does for companies.
Transformation numérique
Découvrez les tendances qui incitent les entreprises à transformer leurs produits et leurs relations avec leurs clients.
L’écosystème Salesforce : Aperçu
Découvrez les clients, partenaires et Trailblazers qui composent l’écosystème Salesforce.
Explore Career Paths in the Ecosystem
Discover your career in the cloud.
Salesforce Career Paths Overview
Start to understand the different roles in the ecosystem for your learning journey.