Skip to main content Rejoignez-nous lors de l'événement TDX à San Francisco ou sur Salesforce+ les 5 et 6 mars pour la conférence des développeurs à l'ère des agents IA. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.
+ 2 000 points

Security Specialist Superbadge

Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Security Specialist Superbadge.

Environ 1 h
+ 100 points

Tableau Data Management: Quick Look

Discover the benefits and features of the Data Management license in Tableau.

Environ 5 min
+ 500 points

Business as a Platform for Change: The 1-1-1 Model

Pledge 1% of product, profit, equity, or employee time to create positive social impact.

Environ 30 min
+ 1 500 points

Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge

Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Screen Flow Specialist Superbadge.

Environ 1 h
+ 300 points

App Governance in Slack

Develop an app governance policy that meets your organization's needs.

Environ 30 min
+ 400 points

Industries Document Generation Foundations

Simplify and expedite the sales process with digital document generation.

Environ 20 min
+ 400 points

Futures Thinking for Strategic Decisions

Use the Salesforce Futures approach to anticipate, imagine, and shape your future.

Environ 1 h 30 min
+ 1,300 points

Exploration de Web3

Découvrez la technologie Web3, les tendances et les cas d’utilisation.

Environ 1 h 25 min
+ 300 points

Development Lifecycle Management with Flosum

Sponsored content: Use Flosum DevSecOps solutions to manage your development lifecycle.

Environ 15 min