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Certification Exam Guide

Exam Guide, Scheduling your Exam, Recommended Courses, and Quick Facts.


A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Learn how to architect a sharing model correctly to meet current and future data access requirements.

Environ 35 min
+ 7,200 points

Protection de vos données Salesforce

Apprenez comment vous et vos utilisateurs pouvez collaborer en vue de protéger vos données.

Environ 7 h 30 min
+ 1 000 points

Gestion des utilisateurs

Configurez les utilisateurs et contrôlez leur niveau de visualisation ou de modification de vos données commerciales.

Environ 45 min

Who Can See My File?

Learn how to identify sharing settings for a file and how you can change them.

Environ 20 min

Account Teams Overview

Learn how to use account teams to easily track collaboration on accounts.

Environ 20 min

Share a Report or Dashboard Folder

Learn how to use legacy folder sharing in Salesforce Classic so as not to have to reassign permissions for legacy reports and dashboards.

Environ 15 min

Classic Encryption for Custom Fields

Review these implementation notes, restrictions, and best practices before beginning work with encrypted custom fields.

Environ 15 min

Control Access to Records

Learn how users can manually grant other users access to certain kinds of records, including accounts, contacts, and leads.

Environ 15 min

Locking Down Record Access

Learn about sharing features and strategies that limit record access.

Environ 20 min

Custom Permissions

Use custom permissions to give users access to custom processes or apps.

Environ 20 min

Account Team Fields

Get a list of account team member fields listed in alphabetical order.

Environ 20 min

Built-in Sharing Behavior

Learn more about how Salesforce provides implicit sharing between accounts and child records and for various groups of portal users.

Environ 15 min

Implicit Sharing

Explore information that describes different types of implicit sharing and the record access that each kind provides.

Environ 15 min

Communities User Licenses

Understand the differences between external user Community licenses: Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, and Partner Community.

Environ 20 min

Managing Access to the Partner Community

Manage your partner portal users in much the same way as you manage your Salesforce.

Environ 15 min

Access to Records for Community Users

Learn how to grant high-volume community users access to records using sharing sets.

Environ 15 min

Share Groups

Discover how Share Groups allow the sharing of records owned by high-volume community users.

Environ 15 min

Territory Management Guide

Enterprise Territory Management builds upon its original features by introducing territory types, models, and model states.

Environ 1 h

Territory Management Differences

Understand the main differences between Territory Management 1.0 and Enterprise Territory Management 2.0.

Environ 15 min

Deploying Territory Management

Understand the steps required to deploy Territory Management organizations.

Environ 1 h

Sharing a Record Using Apex

Learn how to access programmatic sharing using Apex to create both User Managed Sharing and Managed Sharing.

Environ 20 min

Avoiding Account Data Skew

Uncover the situation that causes unwanted lock contention and reduced database concurrency when managing Salesforce solutions.

Environ 15 min

Group Membership Sharing

Learn when and why to leverage the Salesforce Group Architecture as a performance tool to help improve the performance applications.

Environ 15 min

Dynamic Data Sharing on

Explore how to implement two common dynamic sharing use cases.

Environ 15 min

Protecting Custom Sharing Code

Learn some advanced sharing features and coding strategies that can be used to keep from interfering with your sharing code.

Environ 20 min

Enforcing Sharing Rules

Learn how to ensure that sensitive data is not exposed due to sharing rules not enforced when using Apex.

Environ 15 min

Enforcing Object and Field Permissions

Learn how to call the access control methods.

Environ 15 min

Managing Group Membership Locks

Learn how business critical processes obtain group membership locks.

Environ 10 min

Complex Sales Realignment

Get best practices for technical and process issues around complex sales realignment from the Salesforce Technical Enablement team.

Environ 15 min

Using the Apex Crypto Class

Get information to help with the successful use of the Apex Crypto class.

Environ 20 min

Platform Encryption

Learn how to prove company compliance with privacy policies, regulatory requirements, and contractual obligations for handling private data.

Environ 20 min

The Difference Between Encryption Types

Compare Classic Encrypted Custom Fields and Platform Encryption solutions with the use of the provided table.

Environ 20 min
+ 700 points

Shield Platform Encryption

Encrypt your data at-rest in the cloud and manage the life cycle of your encryption keys.

Environ 50 min