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+ 1 100 points

Concepts de base de Field Service

Découvrez Field Service et attribuez des territoires de service.

Environ 1 h 15 min
+ 400 points

Field Service Optimization

Maximize your schedule to get more work done, faster.

Environ 1 h
+ 1 200 points

Field Service Scheduling

Manage your schedule to maximize customer satisfaction and field service productivity.

Environ 1 h 5 min
+ 200 points

Salesforce Maps Basics

Learn how to visualize and optimize your location data with Salesforce Maps.

Environ 15 min
+ 400 points

Field Service Mobile

Connect mobile workers to your field service organization with this all-in-one mobile app

Environ 1 h 10 min
+ 1 300 points

Field Service Dispatcher Console for Dispatchers

Use the dispatcher console to manage appointments, schedules, service resources, and maps.

Environ 1 h 30 min

What is Field Service Management

Learn how to connect your teams, optimize operations, and amaze customers.

+ 500 points

Accompagnement et rétroaction

Découvrez des outils et des conseils pratiques pour accompagner votre équipe.

Environ 1 h 40 min

How to Recruit and Retain Field Service Talent in Utilities

Find out how to appeal to the teams you need and keep them.


Upsell and Cross-Sell With Field Service

With the right technology and training, your field service team is well-poised to promote everything from upgrades to new products.


3 Ways to Amplify the Strategic Role of Field Service Today

New insights reveal how organizations are accelerating the strategic role of field service management.