Welcome! This group is dedicated to your success with Salesforce B2C Commerce. Join the conversation here to stay up to date on the product, learn best practices, and everything in between. Use this group to review resources, ask questions, help each other, and share experiences.
This group is maintained and moderated by Salesforce employees. The content received in this group falls under the official Forward-Looking Statement: http://investor.salesforce.com/about-us/investor/forward-looking-statements/default.aspx
Welcome! This group is dedicated to your success with Salesforce CRM Analytics. Join the conversation here to stay up to date on the product, learn best practices, and everything in between. Use this group to review resources, ask questions, help each other, and share experiences.
This group is maintained and moderated by Salesforce employees. The content received in this group falls under the official Forward-Looking Statement: http://investor.salesforce.com/about-us/investor/forward-looking-statements/default.aspx
Welcome! This group is dedicated to your success with Salesforce Financial Services. Join the conversation here to stay up to date on the product, learn best practices, and everything in between. Use this group to review resources, ask questions, help each other, and share experiences.
This group is maintained and moderated by Salesforce employees. The content received in this group falls under the official Forward-Looking Statement: http://investor.salesforce.com/about-us/investor/forward-looking-statements/default.aspx
Welcome! This group is dedicated to your success with Salesforce Service Cloud. Join the conversation here to stay up to date on the product, learn best practices, and everything in between. Use this group to review resources, ask questions, help each other, and share experiences.
This group is maintained and moderated by Salesforce employees. The content received in this group falls under the official Forward-Looking Statement: http://investor.salesforce.com/about-us/investor/forward-looking-statements/default.aspx
The Salesforce Marketer Group, New York City is a local resource to learn about Salesforce features and partners and network with fellow Salesforce Marketers.
Community Group Leader: Michael Totoro & Tigh Loughhead
Community Group Leader Contact: newyorkcity-us-marketer@trailblazercgl.com
Register for their Meeting/Events here: https://trailblazercommunitygroups.com/salesforce-marketer-group-new-york-city-united-states/