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#Trailhead Challenges2 479 personnes en discutent

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Create a Permission Set to Handle Field Access

One of the requirements of our Recruiting app is that Hiring Managers can update job applications, but they can’t change the related candidate or position. Create a permission set that gives the correct access. 


Need Help?

  • Review common issues.
  • Get help on the challenges for this specific module.
  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Manage Job Applications
    • API Name: Manage_Job_Applications
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit
    • Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate.


We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate.


#Trailhead Challenges

6 réponses
  1. 22 janv., 10:27

    Hello@Vikash Raj,

    • make sure you have installed  this package "04t0P000000N9rs"

    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'


    Go to Object

     Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!



Get Ready

You’ll be completing this unit in your own hands-on org. Click Launch to get started, or click the name of your org to choose a different one.

Your Challenge

Create a Permission Set to Handle Field Access

One of the requirements of our Recruiting app is that Hiring Managers can update job applications, but they can’t change the related candidate or position. Create a permission set that gives the correct access.


Need Help?

  • Review common issues.
  • Get help on the challenges for this specific module.
  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Manage Job Applications
    • API Name: Manage_Job_Applications
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit
    • Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate.
  • #Trailhead Challenges
11 réponses
  1. 15 janv., 21:44

    Hi ,



    I was able to figure it out. First I had to install this package "04t0P000000N9rs"

    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'

    Go to Object Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!


I am trying to complete the "Create Generative AI Experiences Using Prompt Builder" badge in the "Drive Productivity with Salesforce AI" Trail. I'm trying to complete this last part about "Enable Prompt Builder"



The first step, Set Up Einstein Generative AI, wants to make sure Data Cloud is provisioned/turned on in my environment.  


I am not able to find any place that mentions Data Cloud. I am using the expected Developer playground, which is connected and working, obviously as I made it this far.  A search of other posts brought me to this post, which seems to say it is not actually available.



Can I just move past this and finish the last two badges in the AI Specialist trail? Will I run into any problems completing those badges? OR, what do I do to find data cloud and enable prompt builder.  









#Trailhead Challenges

3 réponses

 whats going on is im getting a error message and trying to fix it


Step not yet complete in Creative Unicorn Playground

We can't find the 'LWC Recipes' sample app. 


#Trailhead Challenges

5 réponses

For the Hands-on Challenge

Create a Permission Set to Handle Field Access

One of the requirements of our Recruiting app is that Hiring Managers can update job applications, but they can’t change the related candidate or position. Create a permission set that gives the correct access. 


  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Manage Job Applications
    • API Name: Manage_Job_Applications
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit
    • Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate.

I have the following error: "We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate."



Hi! I am stuck at





#Trailhead Challenges

16 réponses
  1. 22 janv., 08:02

    Hi , 


    I was able to figure it out. First I had to install this package "


    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'


    Go to Object

     Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!



I have created the candidate and position look-up relationship for Job Applications object and gave the permissions as per requirement , but still error has popped up. This is regarding the Data Security Module -Control Access to Fields 


#Trailhead Challenges

12 réponses
  1. 20 janv., 06:58

    Hi , 


    I was able to figure it out. First I had to install this package "


    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'


    Go to Object

     Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!



I've been stuck on this problem for a while now and keep running into the same issue:

"Challenge not yet complete in My Trailhead Playground 1

We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate."

This is for the Control Access to Fields

challenge. I've double-checked my setup multiple times, verified my process with others, and referenced multiple sources, but I keep getting this error no matter what I try. 


#Trailhead Challenges

19 réponses
  1. 5 févr., 18:18

    After another hour, I deleted all the playgrounds and created a developer edition under a different email. I linked in and just completed the challenge by doing the outline. I didn't have to download the package that the majority of the form mentioned. It was extremely simple, and I had done it multiple times before, but for an unknown reason, it worked this time.



This is the set up for the challenge and it says

"We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate."What am I doing wrong for the




#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead

4 réponses
  1. 7 févr., 15:58

    Greetings @Erika Walls, We could see your Candidate field is not having read access granted in permission set; kindly check the box for read access for candidate field and try again to check challenge. Hope that helps!


I'm unable to find the object name "Positions" in the challenge. Can some please help me find it? 

Thanks in advance. 


Control Access to Objects




#Trailhead Challenges

4 réponses
  1. 1 févr., 20:37

    Hi , 


    I was able to figure it out. First I had to install this package "


    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'


    Go to Object

     Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!



Hello! I am having trouble completing this module:

. I am unable to find a Job Application Object or instructions on how to set it up. Did I miss those instructions somewhere? Any tips on a way around this? Thanks! 


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead Support

3 réponses
  1. 31 janv., 20:46

    Hi , 


    I was able to figure it out. First I had to install this package "


    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'


    Go to Object

     Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!

