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Catriona Cassidy a posé une question dans #Reports & Dashboards

I have a dashboard with filters and we have run out of values to add to the filter, Is there a better way on a report maybe to have ids grouped to certain values and we can filter on those?   

4 réponses
  1. Forum Ambassador Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM)
    14 mars, 08:54

    Hello @Catriona Cassidy you have around 20 possible values per bucket (see the considerations here :

    An ID is not a good field to group by / to bucket. You should use relationships to maybe leverage a field from a parent / the lookup'ed record, to avoid an ID grouping. A formula field could be a possible way to operate that way. 

    How to add a bucket column :



  2. 13 mars, 15:21

    @Catriona Cassidy I've seen use cases where fields are created for use specifically in reporting. If you have a better way of organizing the Account IDs, you could create a formula field to assign a custom value to certain accounts based on different fields. For example, assigning a "Customer" value to different Account Types of Active, Churning, etc.

  3. 13 mars, 15:06

    Does a bucket on a report have a limit to its values? Its something similar to an Account Id but yes the limited numbers on the filter dashboard is causing the issue.

  4. Forum Ambassador Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM)
    13 mars, 14:50

    Hello @Catriona Cassidy

    you can group it either on a field (industry, type ...), or on a bucket of values for a specific field.  

    However, indeed dashboard filtering is not very convenient (limited filters number, value to explicit...). What is the type of filters you want to add ? 

