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Luca Iannelli (Accenture) a posé une question dans #Visualforce
Hi All, I need to do this thing apex:selectoptions value=”{!cityobj}”/>  <apex:actionSupport event=”onchange” reRender=”village”/>  </apex:selectList>

(rerendering)but without using actionsupport and JavaScript... Is that possibile?
2 réponses
  1. 6 déc. 2018, 04:41
    I dnt think so you have any native solution to salesforce .. 

    You can do it with javascript Ajax 
  2. 6 déc. 2018, 05:44
    Hi, thank you for the answer. Are you sure of it? Because i'm a newbie in the technology and my mentor said that i should not use JavaScript for this Kind of things... I Lost days looking for an answer but i couldn't find It... Maybe It was a "trap"... Is There any technical/infrastructural reason for which It cannot Be done in any other native way?

    thank you