I have checked everything. I tested the process and it's correct but when I go to check the challenge, I keep getting this error. I can't delete the process and start over. I can't clone it and redo it because the API is already used. How do I complete this challenge?
So I tossed out the Cases org I had done this in and created a new Cases Redo playground. I started at the beginning of the module and copied and pasted every single thing being careful not to have extra spaces or punctuations and VOILA! I don't know what was missing the first time around and I'm guessing it was something that wasn't typed/copied correctly.
I am deleting the playground and starting again. Wish there had been a solution! 😅 Thanks for trying to sort it out. Just to verify as well you are using the Cases Playground to build this module? You don't by chance have a developer sandbox you might have used for this module?
And the name of your Process Builder is labeled Notification: Case for Large Account?
Everything works and the email is generated but then the challenge itself says that it isn't finding the process builder flow...
Forum Ambassador Steven Trumble (Skie)
Can you please provide the URL for the module you are working on?
Hi Jana ,
Please post whatever the flow or proccess builder you have in your org named "Notification: Case for Large Account". This proccess is failing.