I have installed the correct packages, still, the system can't find the package.
Forum Ambassador Khyati Mehta (Speridian Technologies)
Hi Sunitha/Kapil,
If you already have tried installing back again and it didn't help, I'd then suggest you to create a new playground and install it there and check it back again!
same issue.. And I have tried creating a new playground and repeated the process. But, the same error "We can’t find the 'VideoFileViewer' package installed in your org" is shown.
Pls help! Thanks!
I'm having the same issue. The package is installed and listed under installed packages.
I've also created a new playground and completed the steps again with the same error:
We can’t find the 'VideoFileViewer' package installed in your org.
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Try installing again if error comes (that its installed already) then its installed already,
if it gets installed then it was not installed earlier.
Also check Are you checking in right playground/org?