Découverte des tests logiciels
Découvrez les principes fondamentaux des tests logiciels et les différentes approches en matière d’assurance qualité.
+ 2,000 points
Environ 2 h
+ 2,000 points
Environ 2 h
+ 200 points
Principes fondamentaux des tests logiciels
Découvrez les tests logiciels, pourquoi ils sont nécessaires et quand les mettre en œuvre.
Environ 10 min
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+ 200 points
Testing Types and the Agile Testing Quadrants
Explore the different types of tests related to the Agile Testing Quadrants.
Environ 10 min
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+ 200 points
Quality Teams in the Software Development Lifecycle
Explore the roles, responsibilities, and culture necessary to build quality into software.
Environ 10 min
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+ 200 points
Testing Methodologies
Discover the purposes, benefits, and features of data-driven and behavior-driven testing.
Environ 15 min
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+ 200 points
Test Case Development
Create a systematic approach to test cases that aligns with your business goals.
Environ 10 min
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+ 200 points
Performance Testing Basics
Ensure apps perform efficiently using various types of non-functional testing.
Environ 10 min
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+ 300 points
Environ 15 min
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+ 300 points
Environ 20 min
showAfficher 3 unités
+ 200 points
Salesforce App Testing with Provar
Uncover tips and best practices to help you achieve testing success on Salesforce.
Environ 20 min
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Environ 2 h