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Embed Equality in Your Business

Embed Equality in Your Business

Gain skills to live the value of equality and support diversity and inclusion in the workplace and across your business.

+ 1,400 points
Utilisateur professionnel
Environ 1 h 30 min

Compétences acquises tout au long du parcours

Effectuez le parcours pour développer votre expertise. En savoir plus
  • Leadership commercial
  • Accessibilité et inclusivité
+ 1,400 points
Utilisateur professionnel
Environ 1 h 30 min
+ 400 points

Equality Fundamentals

Understand Equality as a Salesforce value, become an ally, and establish a common language

Environ 20 min
+ 400 points

Identity, Implicit Bias and Interactions with Others

Reflect on personal identity and implicit bias and how both influence behavior.

Environ 30 min
+ 400 points

Inclusive Leadership

Identify Inclusive Leadership traits and principles, and put them into practice.

Environ 30 min
+ 200 points

Equality and Customer Success at Salesforce

Understand how Equality informs how we do business and support our customers and partners.

Environ 10 min
Environ 1 h 30 min