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Create a List

Follow Along with Trail Together

Want to follow along with an expert as you work through this step? Take a look at this video, part of the Trail Together series.

(This clip starts at the 13:30 minute mark, in case you want to rewind and watch the beginning of the step again.)

Create and Adjust the List

Instantiate a list named bankAccts and add the two BankAcct objects to the list.

  1. Open the Execute Anonymous window.
  2. Replace the existing code with this code:
    //From the BankAcct class, instantiate an object named chkAcct
    BankAcct chkAcct = new BankAcct();
    //Set the accttype attribute of the chkAcct object to Checking
    chkAcct.accttype = 'Checking';
    //Set the acctName attribute of the chkAcct object to D.Castillo-Chk
    chkAcct.acctName = 'D.Castillo-Chk ';
    //Invoke the makeDeposit method with 150 as the argument
    //From the BankAcct class, instantiate an object named savAcct
    BankAcct savAcct = new BankAcct();
    //Set the accttype attribute of the savAcct object to Savings
    savAcct.accttype = 'Savings';
    //Set the acctName attribute of the savAcct object to D.Castillo-Sav
    savAcct.acctName = 'D.Castillo–Sav';
    //Invoke the makeDeposit method with 220 as the argument
    //From the List class, instantiate a BankAcct List object named bankAccts
    List<BankAcct> bankAccts = new List<BankAcct>();
    System.debug('The BankAcct List has ' + bankAccts.size() + ' bank accounts.');
    //Add the chkAcct object to the bankAccts list
    //Add the savAcct object to the bankAccts list
    System.debug('The BankAcct List has ' + bankAccts.size() + ' bank accounts.');
    System.debug('Here is the list: ' + bankAccts);
  3. Verify that Open Log is selected and then click Execute. The execution log opens.
  4. Select Debug Only.
  5. Review the debug messages and then close the log.

In the createContact method, instantiate a Contact List object and accept a Candidate List object named candsFromTrigger as the argument. 

  1. In the Developer Console, open the CreateContactFromCan class and replace the existing code with this code:
    public with sharing class CreateContactFromCan {
        //Declare a method that returns void and accepts a Candidate list named candsFromTrigger
        public void createContact (List<Candidate__c> candsFromTrigger){
        //Instantiate a Contact list named conList
        List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
  2. Save the CreateContactFromCan class.

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