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Define Rules for a Standard Promotion

Review the Promotion

Festive season is just around the corner and Cloud Kicks is planning to boost sales and member engagement for its most popular range of sneakers, Super Kicks. Mary plans a promotion called Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points. This is a standard promotion, which means members receive immediate benefits based on a single transaction.

The promotion rewards members with points worth twice the transaction amount. First, Mary creates the promotion, and then she creates a rule to check for the promotion.

Remember how Mary created rules for the loyalty program process in Step 2? Creating rules for the standard promotion is similar. Let’s see how Mary does it.


The promotion Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points is created for you. To review the promotion, navigate to the Loyalty Experiences tab in the Cloud Kicks Inner Circle loyalty program record. From the Promotions list, select Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points. Only inactive promotions can be associated with the rule. The start date, end date, and status of the promotion are automatically populated in the corresponding fields of the rule. To learn how to create promotions check out Set Up a Loyalty Program.

Create a Rule for the Promotion

This promotion is applicable to accrual-type transaction journals. Mary creates a rule in the Credit Points for Purchases program process to evaluate if the promotion is applicable.

  1. In the Cloud Kicks Inner Circle program record, click the Processes tab.
  2. Click the Credit Points for Purchases program process.
  3. In the Loyalty Process Rules related list, click New.
  4. Add the following details.
    • Name: Evaluate Super Kicks Promotion
    • Promotion: Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points 
    • Start Date: Auto-populated based on the promotion date
    • Previous Process Rule: Points for Purchases
  1. Click Save.

The New Loyalty Program Process Rule window where you create a rule for a promotion

The rule for the standard promotion is created. This rule is triggered after the previous rule completes processing transaction journals. Next, Mary adds an action to execute this rule. 

Add an Action to Credit Points for Applicable Transactions

The Evaluate Super Kicks Promotion rule is associated with a promotion, so a condition determines the transactions that it must process. However, Mary doesn’t need to define this condition. An in-built logic filters transactions for rules associated with promotions, and only processes transactions that match the promotion's eligibility criteria. So Mary only adds an action to this rule that credits points for eligible transactions. 

  1. Click Add Step.
  2. Hover over Add Action and select Credit Points.
  3. Add the following details.
    • Action Name: Credit Points for Promotion
    • Currency Name: Fixed Value; Regular Points
    • Points to Credit: Click Formula and enter {!TransactionJournal.TransactionAmount} *2
    • Click Validate Syntax. A message stating that the formula is valid appears.
    • Click Done.
  1. Click Done.
  2. Click Save.

The Loyalty Process Rule page where you create an action to issue points for eligible transactions

Activate the Rule

To activate the Evaluate Super Kicks Promotion rule, Mary activates the Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points promotion. 

  1. In the Cloud Kicks Inner Circle loyalty program record, click the Experiences tab.
  2. In the Promotions related list, click Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select Active.
  5. Click Save.

The Edit Buy Super Kicks, Get Double Points window with the Active checkbox selected

The standard promotion and the rule are now active. But Mary is not done yet. Remember how she wanted to boost sales and overall engagement? She decides to run another promotion that tracks and rewards member attributes, or behaviors. In the next step, follow along as Mary creates a member attribute, associates it with a promotion, and creates a rule for the promotion.

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